Chapter 18 (Tessa)

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"Hardin! Will you please tell me where we're going? We've been walking for ten minutes and I'm starting to get blisters!"

"You complain a lot." He chuckles. "Besides, we're here. Now close your eyes."

"Are you serious?" I ask and Hardin stands there, continuing to smirk at me. "Fine!" I groan and close my eyes.

Hardin guides me a few more steps ahead down the path. "Okay, you can open them."

I open my eyes and let out an audible gasp. "Where are we?"

"My favourite place."

"How come you've never told me about this place before?"

"Because it was my secret. But now, it's our secret."

"The view is absolutely breathtaking," I say as I look out over the crystal clear lake in front of me.

"I agree. The lake's not too bad either." He chuckles.

"What do you usually do here?"


"You're not serious."

"Of course I am!" Hardin chirps and begins to take off his shirt and jeans. "Care to join me?" He smirks.


"Theresa... Don't make me undress you myself."


"Come on, baby. It'll be fun, I promise. Here, you can wear my shirt." Hardin passes me his shirt.

"Well..." As I run my hands over Hardin's shirt, I debate whether I should join him for a swim. It could be romantic.

"So, are you coming?" Hardin asks and reaches for my hand.

What's that incessant beeping noise? Where's it coming from? My eyes slowly open and I realize it's my alarm. I'm not going swimming with Hardin. I'm in my dorm room and I should be getting ready for school. I reach over and turn off my alarm and pull the covers over my head.

Four days. It's been four days since I told Hardin it's over. It's been two days since he's tried to talk to me. I'm a little disappointed he hasn't even tried to win me back, but I guess I can't blame him after I threatened to call the campus security on him. I guess he's moving on from me.

I wish I could move on, too. And maybe I could if it wasn't for these dreams I keep having. This is the fourth day I've dreamed about Hardin bringing me to that forest, but the first time I finally got to see it was a lake. The dream felt so real. It felt so romantic. Why am I being tortured like this? I just want to forget about Hardin Scott!

I reluctantly climb out of bed and take off Hardin's shirt, so I can change for school. After crying into my pillow for an hour last night I decided to sleep in Hardin's shirt. I know it's not going to help me move on from him, but I wanted to wear it one last time.

After getting ready, I quickly shove my books, cellphone and keys into my backpack and head for the door.

Emma walks in as I'm about to leave. "Tessa? Are we walking to class together today?" she asks sadly.

"I can't. I'm in a hurry, sorry," I say coldly. "Oh, I almost forgot my project." I put my backpack down while I rush over to my desk and grab it. I quickly grab my backpack again and head for my first class.

School goes well. I make it through the whole day without seeing Hardin and now I have an entire weekend of eating ice cream and watching depressing movies to look forward to.

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