I Know

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Chisa's POV

When I opened my eye I was exactly where I wanted to be. The sky was a beautiful sapphire blue, and the sun kissed my skin. The lush green grass tickled my bare feet and the sweet smell of daisies filled my nose. Dragons flew in the sky, casting shadows on the sparkling river. However, a winter wind blew straight through me, and I slivered in my thin cardigan.

Eris dived into my shadow, providing me with some extra warmth. She's so thoughtful that way. I like having her close to me like this - Eris and Chisa, against the world. It feels nice.

Safe. I feel safe.

That makes me happy.

"Chisa?" A calming voice called from behind me.

I turned around, my eye locking on a cloaked figure with wheat coloured hair. "Hi... Lindel." I said sheepishly to his bewildered face.

Honestly, I'm going to send this man to an early grave.

"Should I even ask what happened this time, little one?" He facepalmed.

I opened my mouth. "I wouldn't do that, Twilight. Lindel would probably agree that you need therapy." Eris chastised.

Ah, that would be true. I quickly shut my mouth again. Opting to just shake my head. Lindel raised an eyebrow, his eyes seeing right through me.

For flip's sake... eye contact is my blooming weakness, and they all know it. I do my best not to look shady, but I might as well not bother. As always, Lindel is a very perceptive man.

"Chise mentioned therapy... am I right?"

I sighed heavily, but it turned into a strangled gasp when Eris swore rather loudly. I tried to cover it with a cough.


"What? It's not my fault he's an interfering old busybody."

I did my best to ignore her, choosing to respond to Lindel's question before he became suspicious. "How do you always know? Are you s-sure you aren't an Oracle?" I attempted to joke, although my subsequent smile looked like a cry for help.

He smiled. "No, no - I am no Oracle. I have simply lived for many years so you could say I understand human emotions very well." He stepped closer to me, reaching his hand out to stroke my hair. "But I knew in this instance, because I am the one who suggested you should go to therapy."

My calm gaze turned cold as stone... anger and betrayal coursed through my veins. Lindel seemed to expect this. "Chisa, it would be in your best interest to at least consider-"

"How c-could you?!" The accusation flew out of my mouth easily as I batted his hand away. "You know how difficult it is for me to talk about the p-past. Therapy is legit just c-confronting your past! I c-can't do that!" I screeched, running my hands through my hair.

"You tell him, Chisa. Stand your ground. Because you're fine. I'm here now."

That's right.

Maintaining eye contact, I took a deep breath, proving to Lindel that I wouldn't back down. Lindel tilted his head, staring me down. "Can't... or won't."

I stiffened. "That's not fair..." My hands began to tremble as my chest felt tight. "It's... n-not fair to say that t-to me..."

I still struggle with the fact that I can do things of my own free will now. I was given orders I had to obey for so long, it's hard for me to make decisions myself. How pathetic is that?

Lindel's eyes widened a fraction, and I saw regret shine in them. "I'm sorry, Chisa. That was insensitive of me to say. But why are you so dismissive of the idea?"

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