Chapter 1

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Men are not equal, It's what I have learned from four years old. It all started in the town of Qing Qing in China.

One day, they announced the birth of a luminescent baby, then the supernatural started appearing everywhere, as time passed we couldn't find the clarify the cause of this phenomena.

And soon the supernatural became a normal everyday thing, people started to use their quirks for their selfish desire along to deal with personal matters with the rise of crimes, soon individuals started to use their quirks to to fight the growing crime, they gave birth to new profession, Heroes, a concept that has been taken from comics became a reality, sadly the world is not black and white, there are heroes that are no different from villains, so called villain quirk, mutant and quirkless people have been discriminated from citizens and professions. Along came beastmen, a rare humanoid animal that also evolved along with humans that have quirks and better physical bodies but were enemies of humans due to their difference leading to war, but was stooped due to decreases both population causing both sides to suffer at losses, which led to each continent having separate territories of their own and repairing the damage both sides have suffered from each other but their were rogues of the humans and beastmen still have immense hatred for each other leading to both side having an agreement to kill or contain who ever individual cross their territory.

The sound of crying can be heard, looking closely a little black hair boy is in fighting stance protecting a covered in dirt with bruises whimpering on the ground.

Kacchan stop it, you already made him cry! haven't you done enough?! said the black with green hue haired kid as he trembled.

In front a child with spiky ash blonde stared with an amused grin along with two other kids one with red wings and the other with unusual long fingers.

"He challenged me and paid the price, and you want me to stop?, then let's hear it, what will you do about it if I don't stop quirkless deku" said the ash blonde arrogantly.

The black haired boy, though he was scared, he didn't back down and took a deep breathe and got into a sloppy fighting stance, shaking with tears, "i-if you don't stop i-i will stop you myself" said the scared boy.

The blonde hair smirked even bigger as he popped a explosion from his hand " since you insist soo much to take his place that's ok it will be more fun to have you as a punching bag from now one, get him !!!" he said as he charged with the other two on the black haired kid.

[Flashback end]

"All men are not equal" a 14 yr old teenager repeated, the same black haired boy in the past but with a different look.

(Imagine him with black hair )

"That was the first lesson the world taught me, Izuku Midoriya" he thinks as he walked down the street in the city past the intersection tiredly, as he rubbed the right side of his jaw where the scar is located remembering certain events.

After "kacchan" katsuki bakugo my old childhood friend and his goons beat me up and left the boy that I tried to protect just left me there, lying there in pain and devastated, few years later when I started middle school other students found out I was quirkless and took advantage of that as their dummy, beating me up with their quirks, I did my best to defend myself but I failed miserably, even after I practiced hand to hand combat for a awhile. Since that time I was proclaimed quirkless my parents barely talked to me they longer showed how much they loved me, always coming home late from work that's been going on for a few years until left me, they moved out leaving me alone. Leaving a letter saying they will pay the bills for the apartment and money for food and other supplies until I reach eighteen, I was devastated they really don't care about me, it hurt but I couldn't let this drag me down I'll use this as a motivation to prove them wrong that I to a quirkless individual can become a hero.

Sometime later a heavy sound can be heard from a distance along with man screaming, making the boy stop and look around cautiously.

He then heard the man screaming again but much more clearly "GET AWAY", as he heard it, he looked at the direction that it came from as he curiously tilt his head but he sway his head side to side as he then started running to the direction of his school as he thought " I'll look through the internet later to see how happen just a moment ago" as he ran but failed to realize he was moving much faster than a normal person can run despite being scrawny.

(Timeskip/After school)

After school, Izuku can be seen with a more depresssed aura with a burnt notebook in his left hand walking down the isolated street heading home.

"Another day of bad treatment from everyone haha... ," izuku, "kids looking at me with disgust like I'm not human, name calling cripple, waste of sperm and what's so ever and that name deku from bakugo," izuku thought as he bit his lips.

"But what tick me off the most is that sentence he said so arrogantly, why don't you just take swan jump from the building, maybe I could get a quirk in my next life, I was piss," as blood trailed from his lips to his chin.

As Izuku kept walking he came close to tunnel under the bridge, he stop as he gripped his head feeling a throbbing pain.

Izuku " Why do I feel like I've heard bakugo said that to me before, that was his first time saying that to me but why does feel like I've seen and heard this already," with a distress look.

"Maybe I'm just imaging things, " as he shrugged it off, as he continues to walk through the tunnel as he stopped again and started gripping his head and started groaning as his pain started getting worse.

"DDAMMMIIT what is this, it feels something stabbing my brain repeatedly, why am I getting visions, what's with this visions I've never seen them, w..what is this, fuckk it hurts," as he kneel down shouting his discomfort and confusion, failing to notice a green blob started rising out of the drain forming into a big green blob.

(Change POV)

"Shit why did this happen, everything was going fine until he showed up, dammi-," sludge villain stopped as he turned to see kid kneeling down out in the open. "Ooh it seems I'm lucky to find a decent body to get away from that blonde," the sludge villain thought as he leaped on top of our Mc.

"Hey kid you mind that I borrow your body, don't worry it'll only last for a few seconds", as he held onto izuku as he force himself into izuku mouth to control him from inside his body as the boy will just die like the other victims, as he was close to enter himself in the boy body he suddenly felt ....pain?!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", the sludge villain let out a blood curdling screamed as he felt his entire body being torn from inside the boys body as he tried to get out of him but couldn't as a blood red and black aura on the unconscious boy was pulling him in and disintergrating to nothing as the aura got wild as it died down, at the same time a manhole cover was sent flying a meter up landing to the side of the hole as two meters muscular man with slicked back blonde hair with two hair strands standing on top of his forhead with with white shirt and green jeans with a plastic bag came out of the manhole.

(Change POV)

"Ah the sewer is like a maze down there ", he spoke aloud as he scoped the area looking for the sludge villain only to find a school boy under the bridge lying on the road looking ruffled up as he reached the boy in a millisecond looking worried at his condition.

Allmight started checking his pulse to see if the body was alive and searched him to see that he was unconscious. " Phew he seem to be knocked out by something, I should look with my aura to see if there's anything thing else", as Allmight eyes glowed yellow staring at the boy a bit to see he was alright.

"But what knocked him out, was it the sludge villain I was chasing that caused this boy to suffer ", Allmight spoke with a guilty tone, as he wouldn't like innocent bystanders to be harmed it was his responsibility to ensure that people could live in peace as he was the symbol of peace of society.

"I can't leave him like this, I'll have to search for the villain after I get the boy to safety in the hospital", he thought as he picked up the boy with his items in his arms as he jumped to air.


First chapter complete, it's my first time writing a fanfic so there might be some mistakes and I'm willing to learn from your comments as it will be good advice to learn and improve my writing skills..


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