Feelings | InoAoi

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A/N: Tysm for 1K reads! I can't believe people are still reading after how long my hiatus was!


Aoi's POV:

"Inosuke, get off and wait until the food is ready!"

"But I'm hungry!"

The man's wail echoed along the halls, and I sighed, rubbing my forehead as I turned to look him in the eyes. He wore an unusual pout on his face, with his arms crossed and back slumped against the wall as his eyes scanned around the room.

 Surprisingly, he's been clingier than usual, if I said so myself. Usually, or from what I observed, he doesn't enjoy associating in anything physical, even if it's for his own benefit and wellbeing.

 Must be the after-effects of getting clonked in the head. 

"Inosuke, be patient for once, will you? I'm almost done with the onigiri!" I sternly yell as I direct my attention to the unfinished meal on the counter. I hear a gruff from behind me, none other than Inosuke Hashibira himself, the impatient idiot. 

I grumble incoherent words under my breath as my hands steadily shape the clumps of rice into somewhat fashionable triangles, flattening them and shaping them, the usual routine. I set the batch onto a wooden plate that resided next to the counter, and top it with some seasoning, because Inosuke hated bland and plain foods. He's so picky all the time, it makes it hard to prepare anything that he'll actually eat. 

The room fell awfully silent. And Inosuke Hashibira was anything but silent. Unless that idiot was trying to get away with stealing food again.

Not on my watch.

I whipped my head around, and, of course, my assumption was right. I turned to see Inosuke with mouthful of rice, some of it smooshed and smeared along the corners of his mouth. His arm was already reaching out to fist some more, and I wonder why he can't bother eating with the slightest bit of decency.

I pull the tray away from his greedy hands, and he makes a noise of protest as he lunges forwards to take it from me. I slide out of the way, and he hits the floor with a thump. He springs up almost immediately, like a hungry beast, and in some ways, he definitely was one. 

"Inosuke! What did I just tell you?!" I scold as his head whipped around to face me. 


"Quit stealing food! Like I said, there's extra food prepared for you over there!" I bicker, and my finger points to where a small tray sat by the window. "You can't just steal food, those are for the other patients!"

"But I'm not stealing any food!" he whines, and God, he's such a terrible liar. There were crumbs all over his mouth, who did he think he was fooling?

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