Cuddles | UzuRen

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Requested by: dharrmanfam

It had been a tiresome week, the demons at the village the Sound Pillar was sent to were quite a struggle, and he hadn't been able to spend much time with his beloved, Rengoku, the Flame Pillar.

Uzui missed him, and his heart ache when he thought about him. Luckily, his mission was over and he was just heading to Rengoku's estate.

He spent the entire travel daydreaming about Rengoku, and in the midst of it all, he had arrived in a flash. 

He smiled and knocked on the door. 

No response.

Huh, that's strange. Usually Kyojuro comes at the first knock.

"Tengen! Were you looking for me?!"

Uzui jumped and whipped around. There was Rengoku, and Uzui immediately pulled him into an embrace. 

"Kyojuro! I missed you!"

"I missed you too! You were gone the entire week!" Came the Flame Pillars reply.

"Don't put it that way, it makes me feel bad," Uzui said as he buried his face into Rengoku's hair and inhaled his scent. It smelled good, but Uzui couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Rengoku was very specific with the shampoo he used.

"If you want cuddles, we should go inside," Rengoku said with his usual tone and expression, almost as if he had read Uzui's mind.

Uzui held on a little longer and then pulled away. He took Rengoku's hand and practically dragged him inside and up the stairs.

Uzui knew Rengoku's estate by heart by now. He pulled them both into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. 

Uzui paused for exaggeration, then threw his arms around Rengoku and pushed them both onto the bed. 

Rengoku laughed and wrapped his arms around Uzui's back. 

Uzui smiled and placed a kiss to Rengoku's temple. Rengoku blushed and buried his face into Uzui's chest.

Uzui grinned, and slowly, sleep started to overcome him, and he let his eyes shut, and drift off into a peaceful slumber.

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