Chapter 1

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'Where am I?' Muttering quietly to myself, I look around at my surroundings. This place looked familiar, but where had I seen it before? "Hale, Tate, look at what I can do!" I turn to see a younger version of myself run past and two blonde-haired orange-eyed boys playing on a swing set. It's been so long. How could I let them slip from my mind? They were two of my best friends when I was little.

"Thanks for watching him, Jack," I hear my father's voice behind me.

"Not a problem; you have to take care of the academy," The twins' father, Jack, said. His voice is soft and gentle. I can tell that Jack and dad have been friends for a very long time just by his tone. He shared his boy's blonde hair. I didn't remember much about him other than he was maybe two or three inches shorter than my father.

"Daddy, look! Sasuke can make a fireball!" I did what? I quickly turn around and see my younger self holding my small hand with a tiny bright blue and white flame hovering above it. How was I doing that?! Can I still do it?

"He's like his mother," Jack chuckled.

"Well, we don't know if he's just a fire elemental or a moon elemental," Dad comments. "How about your boys? Are they showing any signs of being elementals?"

"Not yet," I watch the twins and myself play around on their swing set as I listen to my father and Jack talk. Soon enough, the image fades and twists itself into a different scene.

"Why did Hale and Tate have to move?" I look over to see a four-year-old version of myself sitting on one of the swings at the playground behind the elementary school. I watch it quietly. I had fun times with Hale and Tate when we were younger. I wonder how they're doing?

Why couldn't I remember any of this, though? Am I actually dreaming? Or is this a memory that I've forgotten? But if this is a memory type of dream, I haven't really forgotten it have I? I look over when I hear commotion by the jungle gym. Some of the older kids were picking on someone.

"What's wrong, four eyes? Get back up. I thought you were a tough guy," The largest of the boys said to the one on the ground.

The boy on the ground was shaking and looked like he was about to cry. "Why don't you go home and cry to Mommy and Daddy? Oh wait, that's right; you don't have a family," Another boy comments. This disgusting comment makes the other boys laugh.

"Hey, bullies!" The four-year-old me shoves one of the older boys and moves in front of the boy with glasses. "Don't go picking on someone just because they're different," The little me defended. Observing the scene before me, the younger version of myself shakes, but that quickly subsides when I clench my fists.

"The shrimp is standing up for four eyes. What are you going to do, Sasuke?" The biggest boy questions.

"Sasuke move. You don't need to get hurt," The little boy with the glass said. This little boy has raven black hair and chestnut brown eyes hidden behind thick-rimmed glasses.

"No, Sean, I won't move. I can protect you, so let me," The little me said. "Mommy and Daddy told me I was different, and that difference is a good thing. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

"You think you can protect four eyes? Ha! That's a good one," The little me turns around to face the boys. Before the little me can do anything, two of the boys push me hard. I watch myself stumble back and trip over little Sean. Then the four-year-old me hit the back of his head against the metal of the jungle gym with a very loud clink.

A Little Secret Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now