Chapter 2

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One more class, I said; I can make it through, I said. What the hell was I thinking? I should have just gone to dad's office and asked him if I could have gone home. I'm sure he would have noticed that I wasn't feeling good. I can never really hide it. Thank god there are only ten minutes left, and then I can go home and lie down. Why hasn't this nauseous feeling and lightheaded feeling gone away? Even during my study hall, it was with that Toshiro kid he went with me to get something to eat from the vending machine and also got me a sandwich from the cafeteria and even went and laid down for a bit at the nurse's office, but still, it didn't help. Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy. Sighing quietly, I watch the clock as we have already finished what we were doing and don't have any homework since it's the first day of school. Finally, the final bell rings, and even though I'm the closest to the door, I'm the last one to stand up with my stuff.

Mr. Miller, my math teacher, walked over to me, and I smiled weakly at him. "You look terrible," He chuckled, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, I haven't been feeling all that well for the past few hours," I answer him honestly.

"I can tell, but are least you were able to pay attention still even when you don't feel well, unlike some people in the class," He sighed, but his smile came back, "Get some rest Sasuke," Mr. Miller said slapping my back a bit.

"I will, Mr. Miller. You have a good day," I smile a little at him and head out of the room and to the right to get back to my locker. Quickly doing my combination, I put my math book away and grabbed my bag. I didn't have to bring anything home with me today, which makes it all the better, but just in case, I'm taking my bag home with me. Closing my locker, I adjust my bag so it's on both shoulders and then go to one of the school's side doors and walk out. This particular set of doors looks at the dorms on the school grounds. "Do I go...or not go..." I muttered to myself, "With how today is going...meh, I'll just go home." I shrug and head towards the entrance to the school. Naturally, you can't go through the first day of school without a fight breaking out somewhere—the obvious older kids picking on the new kids to the school. Freshman, junior, it doesn't matter; someone will start a fight. And sure enough, there was a circle yelling fight repeatedly around a couple of kids.

I sigh slightly. Just once, can we not have a fight happen on the first day of school and just have a peaceful day? I guess I should see what's going on and see if I should step in. Jogging was a mistake, but I took a couple of deep breaths to calm my stomach and then pushed through the crowd to see what was happening. My eyes widen when I know who's in the center. Toshiro? What the literal hell are you doing? Why do you look so calm? Who's this kid who's trying to fight with you? Is he new here too?

"What's going on?" I ask the kid standing next to me.

"That kid with the white hair just couldn't take the insults from Sean," He explained.

When I look back at the fight, Toshiro is on the ground, and Sean brings his foot back to kick him. Wait...Sean...but I thought that he left the town when we were in middle school. When did he get back? Why didn't he tell me? I have to stop him. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore; I charged into the circle and blocked Sean's next kick by sticking out my foot and letting his swing hit the bottom of my foot. Damn, that hurts. Why was he swinging his foot at full force like that? Why is he trying to hurt Toshiro? The bottom of my foot tingling, I look up at him.

Sean's taller than me now. Well, he's always been taller until about the end of elementary when I was just two inches taller. Compared to my five foot seven inches, I was to say he's got at least two or three inches on me now. His raven black hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, and his bangs swooped over to the left side so they weren't in his chestnut-brown eyes. He looks stronger. His muscles showed in his arms, and his torso looked thicker, and stronger than when I saw him when we were younger. But that's what happens when you grow up. He didn't have his glasses anymore, so he was either wearing contacts or his eye caught up with him, and he didn't need them anymore. Maybe it's his eyes caught up with his option. I don't see him as one to wear contacts if he doesn't have to.

A Little Secret Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now