Chapter 12 : Harry Potter

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Y/n's POV :

I woke up in a bed that certainly wasn't mine, and I begin to wonder where I was. The room looked familiar, but didn't at the same time. Looking around the room, I noticed my dress laid on the table. Memories of last night began to flood back.

The surprise party from last night.

All the gifts I got, especially Draco's.

When Draco said happy birthday to me.

When he took me to the room of the requirement.

When it started raining and he came to help me sleep.

And just before I fell asleep, when Draco whispered to me.

Speaking of Draco, didn't he fall asleep next to me ?

I looked beside me and saw the top of his head, his blonde hair messily covering his face. His face was buried in the crook of my neck and I could feel his soft breathing against my neck, which made me shiver. Draco's arm was still draped over my waist, keeping me in that position.

I tried to get out of his strong grip without waking him up, but that was quite a challenge. Every time I tried to sit up, his strong arm would pull me back down.

After realising that I wasn't getting up anytime soon, I sighed and laid back down next to Draco. I watched as his eyelashes fluttered a bit while he was sleeping. I saw how his hair messily placed all over his forehead. I noticed all the tiny little freckles he had on his nose, that no one would notice.

Smiling to myself, I brushed his hair out of his face, gently and continued to watch him sleep peacefully, wondering what was going on inside his head.

"Stop staring at me while I'm trying to sleep y/n", Draco said, with his eyes still closed and a smirk plastered on his face.

I blushed at the fact that Draco had caught me staring at him. Embarrassment took over me. Pulling the blanket off of me, I tried to get out of bed, but once again failed.

Draco groaned as he noticed me trying to get up. "Y/n. Stop moving".

"Everyone's going to notice that we didn't go back to the common room. We need to get up Draco".

Draco rolled his eyes and let me get up. I grabbed my dress off of the table and was heading towards the bathroom. But Draco stopped me.

"Where are you going darling ?".

I pointed to the bathroom door, "to go change".

Draco got up from the bed and walked over to me, "and why would you need to change ? We're just going back to the common room".

I looked down at myself in Draco's hoodie, "but -".

"Love it's fine, you're my fake girlfriend after all, right", Draco cut me off.

The only words that I seemed to hear in that sentence was fake and girlfriend. Oh that's right. None of this is real. It's all just for show. Draco doesn't actually care about me, it's just for him to look better.

"Right," I responded, slightly upset.

~ Time Skip ~

We got back to the common room and as soon as I stepped foot in my dorm, I slammed the door behind me and locked the door.

I don't know why it hurt so much when Draco called me his fake girlfriend. I knew that this would be fake. So why do I feel like a part of my heart has just shattered completely ?

Deciding that I needed to clear my head, I left my room and went to the library, since I needed to study for my Transfiguration assessment.

I walked through the quiet halls of Hogwarts castle. It was the weekend so no one was really up yet. All the students were either sleeping or relaxing in the common room.

When I got to the library, I walked to the very back of the room and grabbed a few Transfiguration books off of the shelf to help me study. I sat down in the library studying for my Transfiguration assessment, when the 'famous' Harry Potter walked over.

"Hi y/n," he greeted me cheerfully.

"Hi ?," I replied confused on why he was talking to me.

I set my quill and ink aside curious on why he was here. Harry seemed a little bit too happy today, which made me suspicious. Harry never really comes to the library often, I would know cause I come here often to hide away. He must be here with his friends or something. But surprisingly when I looked around I couldn't find Hermione nor Ron in the library.

"So angel -".

I slammed my book shut cutting him off, "don't call me angel!" I spat.

Who does he think he is ? Has he gone mental !

"Look y/n, I just wanted to talk to you. I was wondering if, I don't know, if I could take you out to see a movie at Hogsmeade, tonight ?".

I huffed in annoyance and rolled my eyes at his question. "Harry if you don't mind, I'm trying to study for an assessment, can you please leave me alone", giving him a hint, that I didn't want to go.

Harry didn't get that hint though.

"But after the movie we could go to Honeydukes, then we could go to the Black lake and -".

"Harry ! Please just go, I don't want to go with you !" I shouted.

Everyone in the library turned their heads towards me and the librarian scolded me for yelling.

Meanwhile, Harry still hadn't left my table.

"Come on y/n, just think about it".

"She said no Potter. Now leave her alone," Draco said, coming out from nowhere behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

Draco and Harry sent each over death glares, but Harry eventually left my table, which made me release a relived sigh.

"You ok y/n?", Draco said, running his hand up and down my arm, calming me down, while his other hand clasped my waist.

I nodded my head and gave him a quiet thanks.

Draco sat down on the chair next to me and brushed the loose strand off hair out of my face. He scooted his chair closer to mine and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

Draco sighed, letting go of my arm and grabbing my free hand, that wasn't holding my quill. He then held my hand underneath the table and offered to help me with studying, which I gladly accepted.

Maybe Draco did care for me, after all.

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