To Get A Reaction

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To Get A Reaction

Meanie put the finishing touches on my makeup with a flourish and took a step back to admire his work.

"Fucking gorgeous, Trouble." I bit my lip with a smile. Gabriel winked at me. "Alright, go put this on, then come back here." He handed me my dress for our night out, and pushed me towards Nathan's bathroom. I scurried towards it with a giggle.

In the bathroom, I took a moment to take in my new look. Gabriel did something with my eyes to make my eyes look larger than normal. He also made them look greener than usual. I think he called it a "neutral smoky eye." I loved when he did my makeup, he's so talented. He also, in a very un-Gabriel-like way, put my hair up (though pinned at the base of my skull) saying, "Just this one fucking time, so don't get any fucking ideas. You can't have your hair down with this dress."

I hurried to put on my dress, but did so carefully-I didn't want to mess up my Meanie's handiwork. Once I had the dress on and everything in place, I looked at myself in the mirror. The black, sequined dress was short, backless-stopping right above my butt-and showed plenty of cleavage, though not too much, as it was still tasteful. It had two chains connecting the back of the halter to the sides by my breasts, but I still couldn't wear a bra with it, though-something I was a bit nervous about.

Gabriel and I went shopping with Victor a couple weeks ago. He said his goal was to get his best reaction yet, and possibly make North angry. I didn't know how he was going to do that, or why he would want to anger North, but I trusted him. When we found the dress, all he said was, "That's perfect," and walked away to find Victor, and left me to change. I wasn't sure he really liked it though, based on the way he acted. I mean, I liked the dress, I wasn't used to showing so much skin, but it really was beautiful. We bought it despite my doubts about Gabriel's opinion.

None of the others had seen the dress yet, not even Victor, even though he paid for it. Gabriel wanted it to be a surprise, he said since it was our first date since we all agreed to this relationship, he needed a big reveal. He always one for dramatic reveals, and everyone was used to it, so the other guys just rolled their eyes, but smiled. They were content with humoring him. They knew they'd see it eventually.

And now was eventually. Right now. I took a deep breath, and called out, "Meanie?"

"Yeah, Trouble?" I got in return. The door cracked open a bit, albeit slowly, as if giving me time to stop him from entering. Gabriel's crystalline eyes peeked from behind the door after he deemed it was okay. Looking at him, I brought my finger to my lower lip. His eyes roved over me. I was getting more and more self conscious the longer he didn't say anything.

"Is it still okay?" I asked uncertainly. I was worried my initial concerns were correct and he actually didn't like it.

"Damn, I'm good." This shocked a giggle out of me. A grin appeared on his lips, and his eyes lit up even brighter as they met mine. He beamed, "Beautiful. Absolutely stunning," he said as he opened the door wider and made his way into the bathroom. I blushed and looked away from the compliments. I still don't know how I got so lucky. Nine beautiful (yes, beautiful. Don't tell them I said that), gorgeous, handsome boyfriends, all whom shower me with compliments every chance they get. I still don't know how to handle it.

Gabriel stopped in front of me, and brought his finger to my chin, lifting it so my eyes once again met his. "Don't you ever fucking hide from me," he told me emphatically, his eyes swimming with emotion. Sincerity. "You're beautiful. Don't ever doubt that. We'll keep telling you until we believe that you believe it. We love you, so don't ever doubt anything we tell you." His mini speech had my eyes tearing up. "Oh god, no. Don't cry. I just did your make up," he begged. "You can cry later. Please stop. The others will kill me." I giggled at his dramatics. "There. Much better," he smiled and leaned down to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

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