Chp 1

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(A pic of Aries/Peyton and her tattoo above, it'll come up later)

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(A pic of Aries/Peyton and her tattoo above, it'll come up later)

The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all.

I sighed softly and slung my bag over my shoulder as I stepped out of the forest I called home, staring at the large, fenced castle-like building in front of me.
My brothers words rung in my head as I made my way onto the campus, eyes roaming over everything as I searched for emergency exits and examined my fellow students.

Stupid older bothers, always bossy and threatening to take away titles....
You do need an education though.....

I rolled my eyes at my inner beast, ignoring the curious glances I earned from my soon to be classmates, foolish mortals.
I strut my stuff as I walked passed the people and made my way to the office, my thick black hair falling off my shoulders and bouncing with every step I made.

After a few moments of being a complete boss I entered the office. It was like any other school office, decorated in paintings of historic supernatural 'heroes', brown leather chairs, a front desk and of course an older lady as the receptionist, a signature scowl plastered across her face.

I hate school.

With a sigh I took my AirPod out of my ear and stopped in front of the desk, staring at the woman who looked like she rather be anywhere else.
"Yes?" She asked, giving me a bored look.
"Can I get my school necessities? I'm the new kid, Aries."

Wow. Real creative Peyton.
What? Just 'cause I'm mad at him for making come here in the first place doesn't mean I won't miss him.

The woman looked at me like she was disgusted to even be within a mile of me but passed along the papers anyway, her eyes roving over my gang T-shirt and ripped jeans.
"Thanks miss." I muttered, venom dripping from my words as I turned and left the office, making my way through the milling supernaturals to get to my dormitory.

Ignoring the stench of all the vampires and witches that assaulted my senses as I turned down my hall I shuddered to think of the reason the school would've left me in the hall of the undead. I slipped into dorm room 222 and took a deep breath, gladly accepting the smell of vanilla and cake that came from a scented candle on the coffee table.

I glanced around and instantly got HP vibes, it was blue themed -inspired by Ravenclaw probably- there was a blue sofa behind a light brown coffee table and a fireplace sat lit behind that. A few bookshelves were set around the room, along with two beds, a round table with the chairs, two desks with their respective lamps, pencil sharpener and holder.

With a deeper sniff I realized my roomie was a cat shifter, something I'd never seen before. I mean, I'd probably killed a few before but that's not the same as meeting one.
I threw my bag on an unoccupied bed, whipped out my phone and texted my brother.

                                                                   U suck.

Love you too, glad you're having fun.

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily, my body wanting to run off the stress that has so suddenly consumed my mind, but was unable to do so.
I knew the risks of running rampant like that, I couldn't tell anyone what I was until I was sure I could actually trust them, which would take a while.
I closed my eyes and thought over my song while I waited from sleep to pull me under.

Broken hearts, on the mend
One by one, they're closin' in
My eyes wide open to watch the sparks die down
My thoughts run wild as I stare at the one who's taken over
With everything goin on, it's hard to take in
A moment to breathe, please, I'm begging you
(Just so y'all know, I made this myself u won't find it anywhere else, pls don't judge, I can't write songs :P)


I woke up a few hours later to someone singing a song I hadn't heard before, something about a broken road? I groaned and sat up, glaring softly at the girl who decided to disrupt my sleep.
I swung my legs off the bed and pulled my hairbrush from my bag, brushing it gently while I watched the werewolf clean literally anything in sight before I finally texted Aries vack.

                                                              Save me.

You're fine.

With a huff I slammed my hairbrush on my desk and growled lowly at my roomie.

"Do you really need to keep singing that ungodly noise?!" I snapped, clearly pissed.
She blinked at me awkwardly for a moment, a smile lighting up her face.
"I didn't realize you were awake, I'm Olive, Oli for short."

I wouldn't be awake if you kept your mouth shut

I took a deep breath to control my anger, just like Aries taught me when we were younger, and nodded.
"Isn't that a boys name?"
My anger resurfaced for a moment, but I managed to bite it back before I did something I would live to regret.
"It's just a name I go by, and that's the name I'm telling you."

Olive shrugged her shoulders and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out the door and down the foul smelling hallway.
"We're going to dinner, and then if you'd like I could show you around."
I hesitated, but shoved my pride aside and nodded, allowing her to lead the way through the maze of halls and to the cafeteria, where everyone ate meals together, even though there were small kitchens in each dorm room so If we got hungry after meals and in between classes we could grab something then.

As Olive led the way she talked excitedly, asking me what supernatural I was -which I didn't tell her- if I had any siblings stupid stuff like that.
I only answered a few of them, focusing more on making sure I remembered the path to the cafeteria.
Yes, I was a cold hearted lieutenant for a gang my brother was now the boss of and I grew up in, but I will always have a soft spot for food, especially a delicious chicken, ugh I could hear my stomach growl with the thought of food.

Maybe school won't be too bad..... well at least the meals won't be
Is that all you think about?
Yes. Yes it is Mocha.

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