Chp 9

387 11 4

Guys. I love snow. More specifically fresh snow, like the first snowfall of the year. That way it makes everything look like a fluffy cloud lol plus it's fun to throw snowballs at my siblings and parents. Anywhoooooo here's the chapter, I hope y'all like it, if not, we'll I guess I'll just go bury myself in the fresh snow outside


I put some aloe Vera on my hand and wrapped it gently so it didn't get it on anything before walking out to meet Atlas in the hall.
"Does it always take so long to get ready?" He inquired with a frown, gently taking my wrapped hand and leading me down the hallway.
"Sorry? I accidentally burned myself." I frowned, my walls going up at his odd behavior.

Who takes a persons injured hand and asks them if they usually take a while to get ready?
I have no idea Peyton but I don't like it. We should be careful.

He shrugged off my confused apology and got into his car.
"That's fine I can get the door. No need to act like a gentleman." I mumbled sarcastically, opening the door and sliding in.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." Atlas winked and pulled out of the student lot before barreling into the nearest down like an idiot.

"Atlas slow down! It's icy!" I shouted as he did sixty in a forty-five. He rolled his eyes but slowed to fifty before pulling into a move theater parking lot.
I studied the building for a moment with a frown.
"We're gonna watch The Happening." He grinned, unbuckled and got out, not even bothering to wait for me.

What a boyfriend he is. I thought mates were supposed to care about each other....
Me too, but I mean we're all new to this so maybe he's still adjusting

I sighed, got out and followed him inside the building. He paid for out tickets, popcorn and a couple of drinks and we made our way to cinema 14 where we would watch The Happening, a horror movie he thought would be cool.
I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd already seen it with Aries. We got settled into the back row just as the credits began to roll.

Just as the movie started getting good -probably about halfway through, I didn't remember much of it- Atlas's phone pinged from a text and he fumbled to turn the ringer off before glaring at the screen and texting the person.
"What was that?" I asked quietly, trying not to disturb anyone.
"Just one of my friends. Bothering me about a bet we made." He whispered back, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.

I nodded and went back to watching the movie quietly, ignoring my date who constantly pulled his phone out to text this 'friend'. As the end credits rolled Atlas heaved a sigh before leaning closer to my face.
"What are you doing?" I questioned, leaning back.
"What does it look like? Usually at the end of the date the guy would give the girl a kiss." He smirked and grabbed my chin as he leaned in again.

I slapped him and discreetly put my doubled bladed knife I got for my birthday against his throat.
"Don't ever try to force yourself on me like that. Especially if your just going to ignore me our entire date." I growled, pushing the blade enough to draw blood.
"O-ok." He mumbled, giving me a light nod.

I removed my knife and made my way back out to the lobby, while my mate processed my threat. I waited a good ten me minutes before I decided to Hotwire his car and go back to the school.
I made my way outside only to be kicked in the side and knocked to the ground.
I let out a grunt before sweeping the perpetrators feet out from under them and scrambling to my feet.

"You're gonna regret that mutt." The person hissed, getting up and swinging a fist at my face. I ducked under it and slammed my right fist into the persons gut before slamming his head down on my knee.
"Yeah right jerkwad." I snarled, dropping him and running over to the car.
I took a deep breath and made quick work of the car before driving back to the school, my mind racing at the nights events.


A couple days later everything calmed down and went back to normal, well, as normal as it could be with the Run only a few hours away. I was getting a bag packed when my mate knocked on the open door and came over, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I shrugged him off, shot him a glare and continued packing.
"I'm still mad at you."
"I'm sorry babe ok? I'll make it up to you. You have my undivided attention the whole time." Atlas promised, frowning.

Nooooo he can't do that! I wanted to be released. This is our only chance!

I rolled my eyes at Mocha's whining -which is very unlike her- and closed up the bag, slinging it over my shoulder.
"We can hang out. But one thing I don't like, and you're on the dog house." I threatened, clipping my gun holster around my stomach to stay hidden under my shirt.
"Why do you need that?"
"You never know when you're going to have to protect yourself with something other than claws and teeth."

He nodded, took my hand and led the way into the woods, wanting to get a head start on the Run.
"Where are you taking me?" I questioned suspiciously, keeping a close eye on my surroundings.
"My favorite spot, it'll be ok." He tried assuring me, pulling me through a cave-like tunnel and into a little cove.

"Wow...." The sight took my breath away. There was a pond the size of a pool, with a few lily pads floating gently on the surface, a few trees that created the perfect amount of shade and sunlight.
"I'm glad you like it."
"It reminds me of my spot I used to go to, before I came to the school."
Atlas grinned and we sat together in the grass, talking about pretty much everything.

A little while later, while I was throwing sticks for Atlas, I paused as a stick cracked from behind me.
I growled threateningly and Atlas began trotting over before he let out a yelp, stumbled and fell over.
"Atlas!" I scrambled over and sniffed the air, a growl escaping my lips as wolfsbane reached my nose.
I huffed and began looking around when five men dress in black clothing with masks surrounded me.

"Ah, shoot." I mumbled, seconds before almost half a dozen tranq darts buried themselves into my skin.
I teetered for a moment before falling into the soft ground that just seemed to envelope me as blackness clouded my vision.

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