Chp 7

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As promised, after the dance the four of us -Kitty, Orion, Atlas and me- went to Angels house and were currently freezing since they said 'just a minute' five minutes ago.
I sighed and discreetly tried to warm myself up a little with my powers but clearly failed before I felt fabric draping over my shoulders.

I turned to see Atlas basically glaring at the door, but he still had his jacket. I turned to look at Orion and saw him chilling nonchalantly and watching the door without his jacket. I didn't bother asking yet and just pulled the jacket a little tighter over my shoulders, a small smile on my face.
Finally, Aries opened the door with a smile, until he noticed Atlas among us. His smile fell and he studied my mate head to toe.

"Who's this?" He asked, posture tense.
"My soulmate brother." I rolled my eyes.
"Can we come in or are we going to have to freeze out here?"
My brother huffed, but moved aside to let us in, taking note of the jacket on my back.
We walked in to see a ton of different party decorations set up. Streamers, balloons, tinsel and for some reason a banner that said 'Happy Birthday!'.

That was odd to be honest....
How come Atlas didn't give us his jacket?
I could feel Mocha's disappointment.
He was probably too lost in thought, let's just focus on the party.

Orion excused himself for a minute and hurried down the hall while everyone else -except a suddenly missing Atlas and Aries- sat down somewhere and began talking.
I sat myself on the couch and Kitty sat beside me, the both of us facing Angel who was sitting in an armchair.
"So what is this exactly?" I asked, taking the jacket off and placing it on the armrest.
"It's supposed to be a birthday party. I figured that was obvious." Angel replied, laughing softly.

"I figured that much, y'know, with all the decorations. I just meant, why?"
"To celebrate your birthday." She shrugged.
I shook my head at her and looked at Kitty.
"You knew about this didn't you?"
"Why do you think I said give us an hour before we meet at the table?" She grinned proudly.
"So I basically suffered alone. Nice."

She shook her head at me as my brother and Atlas walked in, Atlas a bit pale and Aries wearing a smirk proudly on his face.
Atlas sat on the arm of the couch beside me as Orion came back, his back facing us.
"I guess we're doing presents first." Kitty laughed, pulling something from her pocket. Aries trotted into the kitchen and grabbed a long, thin box wrapping in dark blue paper and a wide, thin box in dark red paper.

I rolled my eyes at them before Orion stepped in front of me, holding the most adorable black and white husky pup with ice blue eyes, just like me.
My eyes widened and I gaped at it, my shock poorly hidden.
"Orion. What is this?" I questioned, slowly taking the puppy from him.
"A puppy." He game me a smile.
"He's a rescue, his owners left him on the side of the street and I found him. I brought him to the vet who checked him over and then took him to the shelter. When I found out it was your birthday, I knew he was perfect."

I didn't know what to say, no one except Aries ever bothered with getting me anything.
"Thanks. I love him already." I scratched behind his ear as kitty offered me a small box.
"I swear, if this is gonna turn out to be some lovely dovey stuff, I'm out."
"You're gonna love it."
I sighed heavily and opened the box to reveal a silver half heart necklace with tiny handcuffs. On the heart, it said 'partners in crime'

Kitty grinned and pulled a matching necklace from under her shirt.
"Ta-daaaaaa! 'Cause I know we're gonna cause so much trouble.
"Thanks Olive. It's great." I smiled softly and somehow managed to clip it together around my neck without dropping my new dog.
She smiled and nodded before pulling the pup from my lap so Aries could give me the dark blue box.

"That's from me." Angel said, glancing at Aries. I gave her a grateful smile before opening the box to find a beautiful dagger with a really dark blue hilt, a gem with the same color and a silver blade.
I grinned and took it out carefully, excitement flooding my veins.
"It's beautiful. Thanks Angel."
"Your brother told me you'd rather have that than make up or something."
I laughed and nodded, pulling the thigh scabbard out and sliding the weapon in it.

I put it on the floor and allowed Aries to take the box before putting the last one in my lap in its place.
"I guess I can safely assume this is from you dear brother?"
He rolled his eyes and said nothing as he sat in another chair, watching me closely.
I opened the box and grinned as I saw the dagger on some tissue paper. It looked similar to the other one, only the hilt was dark red and there was a rose design right before the blade.
I pulled it out along with another thigh scabbard and put it on the floor carefully.

"Check under the paper." Aries said with a wink. I raised an eyebrow but removed the paper and gasped.
Under it sat a beautiful black leather jacket I've been wanting for years. I pulled it out and slid my arms into the sleeves with a stupid grin on my face.
I loved it the minute I touched it and vowed to never take it off -except to shower.

"Check the pocket~"
"Oh my gosh stop making everything so complicated." I laughed, sticking my hands in the pockets.
I felt something cold and pulled out a double-bladed hunting knife that was small enough to fit in my sleeves should I need it.
"I love it, thanks guys."
"Of course. You are our friend after all." Kitty said, passing me my dog.

I gave the pup some pets while Aries went to the kitchen to get what I'm assuming would be the cake.
"Hope you guys left some room in your stomachs." He said, giving me a pointed look.
"I was six! Gosh, let the past die." I rolled my eyes and took a piece as he offered it.
"Angel made the whole thing so, compliments to the chef." Kitty said, smiling.
"Baker. Technically." Orion corrected, taking a bite and causing an argument to flare up.

I ignored the two and quietly ate my cake, occasionally having to push the pups muzzle away as he tried to eat it.
"Mine you little beast." I muttered, sticking my tongue out.
"Are you arguing over a piece of cake with a dog?" Aries asked, failing to hide his amusement.
"Yes. Yes I am."
Atlas snorted beside me and grabbed a piece.
"Got a name for him?" Angel asked.
"Yeah," I grinned.
"Oreo McFlurry."

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