The Audition

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Teo's POV

I remebered Maje said she was trying to become an actress so i decided to hook my bae up on an audition.I called my agent and told them if there was any movies me and her could be in together as a couple.He said there was and that we had the audition tommorow morning.

I walked over to Maje's room and knocked.She let me in and gave me a kiss.I told her we had an audition for tommorow.
"No way babe thanks so much!"
"The best part is we are in the movie as a couple!" I said excited.
"Thats great!" she hugged me and i gave her a kiss.She then ran to her bedside table and got a paper and pen out.She wrote something down and gave it to me.
"Here babe its my number so we can talk alot more."
"Thanks ill call you later but i have to go to a photoshoot so ill see you later bye baby." i said and kissed and hugged her goodbye.

I had gotten back from the photoshoot and i decided to call up Maje.
"Hey Maje babe."
"Hey Teo!Back from the photoshoot i see?"
"Yeah it was fun so dont forget about our audition tommorow its at 10:00 so dont be late."
"Okay i wont.Come by later?"
"Yeah bae see you later.Bye."

She hung up and i went up in the elevator.I knocked on Maje's door and she let me in.
"Hey so what do you want to do?"
"Lets watch a movie together!"
We sat down on the couch and cuddled while we watched the movie.She drifted off in my arms and i later on fell asleep.

The next morning i woke up next to Maje and i woke her up.I left to my room and got ready and so did she.We came out at the same time and left for the audition.


We actually got the roles together.She plays Mari and i play John.Im so glad we made it and it will help her get famous and we can be one of those famous couples.I can see shes happy because shes smiling nonstop since then.

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