Valentines Day

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Third person POV

Maje and Teo went to sleep after the big 'suprise'.Maje was worried for Teo and her relationship.She just had HOPE left in her.

The next day they went to school it was Valentines Day.Maje and Teo had gifts for eachother ready.They got ready and headed straight to school.Teo had his present for Maje in the trunck of his car and Maje had the present for Teo in her backpack.
"Happy Valentines Day Maje" he said as he handed her a BIG card with lots if hearts and something sweet written inside.It read

Dear Maje,
These past few months that we spent together have been great.I hope we get to stay together forever.I wake up every morning knowing that no matter what you do,i will still love you with all my heart.I HOPE to marry you in the near future and maybe even start a family.
With all my heart,Teo

She then started to tear up happily and gave him her present.It was a big heart shaped box that said HOPE in the middle.The inside had lots of pictures of them on dates and together.There was a little note that said

Dear Teo,
I love you so very much and i HOPE that we can be together forever.Everytime im near you im happy and you make my life a living dream.
With all my love,Maje

After that they walked around happily and proud.The whole day was filled with happiness and love

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