The Decision

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Maje's POV

Its been five months that me and Teo have been going out.We finally finished doing the movie and were thinking of moving in together.

"So are we still going to stay in LA or not?"
"Probably not maybe in Texas im sick and tired of the famous life how about you?"
"Yeah even though ive been famous for like a month or two."
"So Texas or no?"
"Yeah thats good lets plan this later im beat."
"Okay babe whatever you want."


We are moving today we found a medium sized house in Texas in a small town.Since we are still supposed to be in school we decided to go to the high school there.Im really hoping no one takes Teo away from me.So we are packing our stuff and he suddenly speaks
"I know what youre thinking dont worry i wont let anyone take you away from me."
"Thanks bae i love you."
"Me too Maje."

We finished putting our stuff in the moving truck and drove of to Texas.We got there like 15hrs later.Me and Teo took turns driving and i was the last one to drive.I woke up Teo and we started to unpack.I saw a girl around our age checking Teo out.I started to worry so i randomly kissed Teo for a while.She then started to walk over and intruduced herself.
"Hey im Linda i live across the street from you guys where you from?"
"LA,California." he said nicely.
"Why did you guys decide to come to this little dump of a town?"
"We wanted to get away from the famous life" he said.
Dang it i wish he hadnt said that.
"Oh my gosh you guys are Teo and Maje right?!" Oh no here it goes...
"Yeah" i said worried.
"Thats cool so you guys going to school here?"
"Actually yes we are to the high school."
"Cool i go there maybe we can carpool?"
"Sure" i said nicely.
"Well okay bye!" she waved and went inside her house.

We were already all packed up and ready for tommorow.We had signed up for school together and it starts tommorow.Im still worried though for Teo mostly because hes the most famous one.

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