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Maje's POV

I heard a knock at the door.Teo had gotten up to open it.I watched as he opened it and he looked suprised yet pleased.
"Hey guys what are you doing here shouldnt you be in LA right now?!"
"Hey man we just wanted to see you and meet your girlfriend."said a male voice.
"Well come in guys theres some chairs over there to sit."
I saw a female and two males.They seem familiar.Oh its Tuck,Emma,and Munch!Cool ive always wanted to meet them.
"Hey so youre Maje?" said Emma.
"Yeah and you must be Emma."
We shaked hands and Tuck was next.
"Hey im Tuck and im guessing youre Maje."
"Yeah i am nice to meet you."
We shook hands and Munch was last.
"Hey im Regionald but my friends call me Munch and youre Maje."
"Yep nice to meet all of you."
We sat there and talked when suddenly Emma asked how long we've been dating.
"Like 5-6months its been great!" he said.
"Cool happy for you guys."

After a while i went to my room to get something when i heard footsteps.They walked in and closed the door behind them.I thought it was Teo so i stayed still.They walked up behind me and spun me around so they could kiss me.I opened my eyes expecting to see Teo's face.But instead i got Tuck's face.I pushed away and hid in the bathroom in my room.I locked the door and waited.I then heard footsteps coming out and a door close.I texted Teo fast and told him what happened.
Teo:WHAT?!Wait did you let him?!
Maje:Well i thought it was you and then i opened my eyes and saw Tuck.I did NOT enjoy it.I pushed away and now im hiding in my restroom.
Teo:I'll be there in a while let me handle this.
Maje:Okay thanks

I heard screaming and a door slam.It had gotten quiet and i heard footsteps.I unlocked the door and opened it.I saw Teo and he had a busted lip.I gasped in shock and hugged him.
"Oh my gosh Teo are you okay?What happened?!"
"I made them get out and punched Tuck but he hit me back before i slammed the door."
"I'll get something to help your lip and thanks Teo."
"No one will mess with you as long as im around."
I really hope so because right now our life isnt that great.Teo and his friends got in a fight,girls are being rude to me at school,and me and Teo seem like we are distant.All i have left is HOPE.

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