Used Karma

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Luke and I decided to prank Ravi since we're bored

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Luke and I decided to prank Ravi since we're bored. We're the masters of pranks. Luke and I put a costume on and went to the theater and Ravi looked at us

Ravi: A very realistic movie! This 3-D is amazing! I feel as though I can reach out and touch it! Now it is reaching out to touch me!

My fake skeleton hand touched Ravi's nose and he start screaming and ran out of the theater

Ravi: Bertram! Evil spirits walk among us!

Luke and I walked out of the theater and start laughing

Me: You got the evil part right.
Luke: That was awesome! You screamed like a little girl.
Ravi: I did not! I screamed like a big, tough girl! And you certainly did not scare my fearless friend, Mr. Kipling!

Mr. Kipling slithers onto the elevator, I crossed my arms and looked at Ravi with a smile

Ravi: You reptilian wimp!

-the next day-

Ravi was still asleep, Luke and Zuri decided to hang him up with his sleeping bag and he looks so adorable and peaceful

Zuri: Wow, he is one sound sleeper.
Me: He looks so peaceful.
Luke: And I don't like it.

Luke turned on the alarm and Ravi quickly woke up

Ravi: Great Ganesh! I am a human samosa! Get me down from here!
Luke: Okay, if you say so.

Luke unzipped the sleeping bag and Ravi fell on the ground. Luke and Zuri start laughing

Ravi: Ow! That hurt!
Zuri: It's your fault for sleeping on a door.
Ravi: That is it! You have aroused my ire!
Zuri: Hey, you should thank me and Max. Luke wanted to leave you in the lobby in nothing but your tighty whities. But Max convinced him not to.
Ravi: Luke, you are treading on dangerous ground. Ever heard of karma?
Zuri: I have! It's my favorite topping on a sundae.
Me: That's caramel, sweetie.
Ravi: And I'm not talking about caramel, I'm talking about karma. The concept that if you are good, the universe will reward you. But if you are bad, the Universe will beat you like a rented water buffalo.
Luke: Oh! So you're saying it would be bad if I did something like this?

Luke blows the air horn and I put my hands on my ears

Ravi: Yes! That is an excellent example of bad!


Luke and I went to the terrace and saw Ravi looking at the microscope

Luke: Hey, Ravi, what you looking at?
Ravi: A photographer in the park taking pictures of women wearing only the tiniest of triangles as clothes.
Luke: Bikini shoot? Out of my way! What bikinis?

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