New York, New Nanny

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Luke grabbed Emma's moon from her project, me and Emma was chasing after them, we ran to the living room and I saw Zuri with a redhead lady

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Luke grabbed Emma's moon from her project, me and Emma was chasing after them, we ran to the living room and I saw Zuri with a redhead lady

Emma: Luke! Give me back my moon!
Luke: No way!
Max: But she needs it for her solar system.
Luke: I'll show you a moon, babe.

Luke put his butt in front of me, I pushed him to the redhead and I climbed on her lap and attacked Luke with the pillow, Emma did the same thing

??: Please tell me those are in the wrong apartment.
Zuri: That's my brothers and sister and best friend but she lives with us.
Bertram: Or as I call them, the nanny killers except for Max.

I smiled at Bertram's comment and continued hitting Luke with the pillow

Ravi: Luke, Max, Emma, please. Violence is never the solution.

I hit Ravi with the pillow and he looked at me angrily

Ravi: To heck with the nonviolence! I am on you like stripes on a tiger!

Ravi jumped on my back, I start screaming, wow, he's lighter than a feather

Luke: Hey! Get off my woman!
Zuri: I'm a good child. Make me brownies.

I felt Luke on my leg, the redhead trying to get him off me, thank goodness..., he looked at her with dreamy eyes

Luke: Hello. I'm Luke and you are?
??: Way too old for you.

I hit him with the pillow and sat next to Emma

??: Do you kids fight like this in front of your parents?

Then we heard the elevator and it was Christina and Morgan Ross, I saw my parents also, they were kissing, I looked away quickly

Zuri: Sometimes, but they never come up for air long enough to notice.
Everyone: Mom! Dad!
Dad: Maxie!

I jumped on my dad's arm and hugged him and I felt my mom hugging me, I hugged her back and I kissed my dad's cheek and I kissed my mom's cheek

Christina & Helen: We missed you so much!
Morgan & Oliver: And we brought presents!

We start cheering, because we love presents. Hopefully, my parents got me the new baby blue sweater I wanted, it cost $109. Zuri grabbed the redhead's hand

Zuri: This is Jessie. I want her to be our new nanny.
Luke: So do I.

Luke wrapped his arm around me, I removed his arm off and Jessie chuckled at us

Christina: Nanny Kay quit?
Morgan: Did she say anything before she left?Max & Emma: She said you'd be hearing from my lawyers.
Zuri: Then she said-

Maxine, my darling | Luke RossWhere stories live. Discover now