Chapter 4

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He waited an hour before he met his contact at the diner. He liked to beearly, never late on an appointment or contract. He did everything on the exactmoment that he planned to. In his job, there was no room for error. A splitsecond could be your death. Very few people chose this path of earning alivelihood. And those who did, had no way back into their previous lives. 

 His contact was an FBI agent. A fed was a first for him. He neverworked with law enforcement guys. Of course, he couldn't. But this one wasnot too loyal. What a time has come! My services are required to a fed! Hethought while waiting. But what if it‟s a trick? It can‟t be. If it is he will payfor it. With his life. It was sad that I had to kill that girl. She was so sweet. Hehad a crimson smile on his hard, stony, lifeless face. Who am I kidding? I‟m notsad. I don‟t care if she was sweet. 

 As his thoughts came to an end, someone entered the diner. A lifeless facelike his, moved through the dinner crowd and towards his booth at the corner.The agent did not trust him and wanted to meet at a crowded place. And he hadfailed miserably as it was only the early hour and there was a lot less crowdthan he had expected. Anyway, it would do. The agent, like all the other federalpuppets, was wearing a cheap black suit and a navy blue striped tie with awhite shirt, tucked in his black dress pant. He was wearing a hard look on hisalready unsympathetic face. 

 The agent sat down opposite to the man he had hired to do some cleaningfor him. And it wasn't laundry, it was cleaning particular human beings from the surface of the earth. And up until now, he had done a marvelous job. Butthis time he had left the body out in the open. The man was supposed to bury ordestroy the bodies of his victims. This was unacceptable. Because of his stunt,the FBI was investigating. He didn't want that to happen. The agent had saidclearly that there was no need for any inquiry to take place. And now because ofthis stupid in front of him, his whole plan was in jeopardy. 

"I thought you were good at covering up." 

"I am. I just wanted people to see my work. It‟s called promotion oradvertisement you know."

 "Yeah, I know. And now it will be called charged for first degree murder." 

"No it won‟t. Feds are idiots, no offense." 

"None taken." 

"They'll never find out." 

"So you think. I know Agent Benson. She doesn't sleep until she solves the case.And believe me she will find out. And when she does, I don‟t want you to ratout on me. Do you understand that?" 

"That's no problem. I can take her out of the equation." 

"No you idiot! Do you want to be charged with the murder of a federal agent?And now there‟s that new addition, Agent Moreau. He is not a guy to messwith. I saw his file. That guy does not even follow the book. He conducts hisown investigation. He never had a long term partner. They couldn‟t keep upwith him." 

"Don‟t you think you are exaggerating?" 

"No, I know what I am talking about and I‟m not exaggerating. That musthave been the old days when the police and feds were always late but these guysnever sleep. They are on a twenty-four hour alert." 

"Fine. I‟ll be careful on the next one." 

"There‟s no use. The countdown has begun."


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