Chapter 6

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He once again sat at the same table, at the same cafe, at the samehour waiting for the exact same man as he had before. This time theunsympathetic face had a brief crimson smile on his face when he enteredthrough the doors of the cafe. A normal person would've missed thatexpression but his eyes missed nothing. 

As he watched the man coming towardshim, at the same time he saw a waiter taking orders, another one serving mousseau chocolate garnished with cinnamon to a customer and the woman at thetable to his right fixing her makeup. 

"You know, putting that body in the open was not a bad idea after all." 

They always talked in hushed voices. 

"Ah! So you do get my point, Monsieur." 

"Yes. The FBI called in for my help. Your set up worked out perfectly. Now I‟llbe working with them and we‟ll always be a step ahead of them." 

"As I like to say in French, "Je suis toujours un temps d'avance sur les animauxdu gouvernement"." 

"And what exactly does that mean?" 

"It means, "I‟m always a step ahead of government‟s puppets"."

"Good one." 



 "Everyone, pay attention." 

The SAC was addressing the whole office andno one dared not to listen to him. 

"This is no longer just a murder investigation.This has now become a manhunt for an assassin known as "le renard" whichmeans "the fox". He is a master at disguise. Everyone leave your ownassignments and work on this case. Putting the fox behind bars is our toppriority. Agent Max Lambert will be here tomorrow to help you with this case.He is an expert in finding assassins. You report directly to Agent Benson andAgent Moreau. Back to work." 

"Sir," someone called from the back holding a phone in one hand. 

"Some localsfound a body near the Washington apartments on seventh street northwest."

 "Cooper, inform Springfield and you two," the SAC turned to Benson andMoreau, "I want this guy dead or alive. He is an assassin, merciless and verysneaky. He will be hard to control if caught. I trust your abilities, Benson, butyou have to understand what is at stake here. Should I trust your capability to shoot on sight if necessary?" 

"Yes sir. I understand." 

"Now go get this bloody murderer." 

Charlotte and Nick once again exchanged glances and said in unison, "We willsir." 

 The body was in the same condition as of Samara‟s. Throat had been cutfrom ear to ear; there was duct tape residue on the mouth. The sun was settingand the sky had a pinkish orange color. It was like déjà vu for Charlotte becauseonce again a tall man in business suit entered the yellow crime scene tape. Butthis time he introduced himself before he could be misunderstood as an intruder. 

"Hello. I‟m Max Lambert. And you must be the famous Agent CharlotteBenson." He extended a hand towards Charlotte, which she shook. 

"We're pleased to have you with us, Agent Lambert. I was informed of yourarrival." 

Then she introduced Agent Moreau to the newcomer. "This is mypartner, Agent Nicolas Moreau."

"I‟ve heard about you, Moreau. You were some pretty tough agent back inJersey." 

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