I Watch a Camper Catch on Fire

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Nico POV

I've had my share of terrifying creatures, but this Latino elf with the sword at my chest has made the top of the list, "Creatures I Never Want to See Again." I blinked and slowly pushed the sword away from my chest and said something intelligent like, "Hola." The Latino elf kid looked slightly offended and looked over me before bursting into laughter. "My name's Leo," the kid said and held out a hand. I looked at him for a second. "So, you nearly kill me and now you want to be friends. Sounds lovely, and I'm in." I took his hand and shook it. He smiled and talked with me the entire way to the campgrounds. I looked over the cabins, and saw the familiar cabin, Cabin Thirteen. Cabin Thirteen was recently built, and is devoted to the children of Hades, meaning that's me summer home.

Leo looked at me strangely before smiling. "Son of Hades, huh? That's pretty awesome!" He laughed and looked at the cabin. "I'm a son of Hephaestus," he said, slightly disappointed. "That sounds amazing," I said, smiling slightly, "I've wanted to be raised by mechanics my whole life, but I was raised by classy Italian singer. I can't complain though, she died before I turned seven. She was pretty interesting as well, but mechanical workers seem more interesting as parents." Leo smiled and looked at me, "I'll help you settle in, um... What's your name?" I blinked and looked at him, "I'm Nico." Leo grinned, "Alright Nico, Let's get you comfortable here in camp."

Normally, when you leave camp the cleaning harpies come in to care for the cabins. They never care for the Hades cabin. I summon skeletons or spirits to take care of anything necessary if needed. Leo looked at the green fire torches on the walls and smiled. "It's interesting how they stay green throughout the entire year!" He said, looking over a torch. I shrugged, "It's the way they were constructed, I suppose." Leo grinned and something started to smell like smoke. "Leo... Um... Your butt is on fire..." I tried to say as if I wasn't panicking or looking at his butt. Leo blinked, "Ah... AH!" He swatted at his butt with his hands. The fire spread to his entire body and he groaned. "Sorry Nico, I gotta jump in the lake! It happens!" He shouted as he ran out. I made the mental note not to get on Leo's bad side unless I wanted to become the world's largest piece of charcoal.

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