1-800-Cinderella (16)

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YEAH XD Sorry for the delay, as usual aha I lost my flash drive so I was a little out of sorts for a few days :/ Ha Enjoy this :)

Check out my new story Slutty & Proud. It's a Teen Fiction.

The sound of my cell phone ringing made me turn over, to come and find that my body had limited space which to turn in, causing me to land right on the damn floor. With a start, I shot up, my eyes popping open. Holy! Ah! It’s too bright, it’s too freaking bright! There was the sound of animals roaring and it felt like I was literally in the jungle it was that loud. Holy shit, what was this! My phone continued to ring and the sound of jungle animals continued to fill my ears.

Argh! Crawling on my knees, I searched the couch, finding a couple of dollar bills, a few pencils, and luckily, my cell phone. Smiling, I picked up the phone. “Hello?” I breathed.

“Cindy! What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know what time it is?” Trevor’s voice hissed through the phone.

I winced, groaning at his loudness. Why was everything so loud? Oh, that’s right. I drank a whole bottle of rum last night and then passed out on the couch. Not only are my ears pounding, but my mouth is dry, my back is stiff, I can’t feel my arms, and holy hell my eyes were stinging against this sunlight.

“No…Uh, I don’t have a watch on me—”

“It’s freaking ten thirty, Cindy, what the hell? And what time are you supposed to be at work with my coffee?”

I scrambled my brain for the answer. Shit was a little fuzzy. “Uh, eight, but I didn’t have my phone on me—”

“What the hell are you doing? Are you with some man, passed out in the bedroom with him? You’re going to have to start taking your job more seriously or you will be right back to answering those phones, Cindy.”

Oh. Hell. No. No one threatens me. I am no one’s bitch. “Excuse me, but after all the shit your old assistant did to you, I find it hard to believe that you’d fire me. In fact, I want you to fire me. Do it, Trevor, fire me. Throw me out on my damn ass, I dare you. I fucking dare you. I know you’re a momma’s boy, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t raise a pussy. Fire me, Trevor, right now.”


“That’s what I fucking thought. Now I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I hung up the phone, dropping it to the floor as soon as my stomach began to bubble with something along the lines of...Oh shit! I ran for the restroom to hurl out my guts.


“...Therefore the argument is illogical. I mean, dinosaurs can’t be real, mom,” Ben babbled. Beneath my shades, I sighed, staring at him in the rearview mirror. “And why not?” I asked the follow up question in a monotone.

“For one, there is no evidence of them on the cave walls by the first living people. There are mammoths and all kinds of other animals but not one trace of dinosaurs. Second, in the Bible, God created the world in seven days. Where in the seven days did he say he made dinosaurs because Adam and Eve would have seen them? So how can people claim that there are dinosaurs before our time if God didn’t create anything to be before our time, mom? Also, die hard Christians should be ashamed of themselves. They hand out pamphlets but can’t tell people the truth about dinosaurs.” He shook his head.

I cocked my head to the side. Wow, even though my head is throbbing, that made complete sense. “Good points, Ben.” I nodded my head and he smiled, truly exalted.

After I dropped off Ben, I dreaded the whole way to the hotel. Trevor grates on my nerves. For one, how dare he try and act like Rye and I were an item or something and he was throwing it in my face. Was he jealous? Did he feel salty? I didn’t understand. He had no right as my boss to meddle in my personal life. Freaking asshole. I shook my head and found a parking spot, getting out of the car, adjusting my shades. God, the light was going to be the death of me.

The elevator rose up to the lobby and I stepped out, coffee in hand to wave at Naifah and Lesley who were staring at me with apparent shock on their faces. Okay, screw me for being late one day, Jesus! My phone buzzed.

Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. –Morgan

Oh, but I can. I rolled my eyes and headed for Trevor’s office. Back on the elevator I go. When I arrived, he was on the phone in a heated argument and I planted the coffee on his desk, picking up his paper of assignments for me. Only to find it completely blank. What the hell? I was planning on taking the list and running.

Trevor looked up at me and pointed to the chair across from him. I cleared my throat, straightening my skirt before plopping down in the chair. I was in for it, great.

“...Uh huh, yeah, well later because I have plans. Mhm, great, even better. Yeah, let me know. Okay, bye.” Trevor put down the phone and looked at me. I gave a sheepish smile and he rolled his eyes. “What in the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled.

Okay, so not what I was expecting but I’ll take it. “I’m sorry?” I blinked.

“Are you insane? Talking to me that way, I’d have sworn you had no home training. What were you doing last night?”

“Nothing that concerns you,” I snapped. Trevor narrowed his eyes. “You are my boss and my personal life is private. Or at least that’s what common people are clear of. So stay out of my life, you hear me? Sorry I was late, I won’t be again.”

“Why do you have those horrific glasses on? Take them off; you are inside of the building.”

Shit. “Pfft, it’s the newest thing, haven’t you heard? Wearing shades indoors is the coolest thing.”

“Yeah, on TV but not here. Take them off or I’ll take them off for you.”

I gaped. “No, God no.”

“God damn it, Cindy!” He pounded his fist down on his desk, making me jump in my seat. “Do what I say for once in your life. If you would have listened to me that time out in the woods, you wouldn’t have hit your damn head on that tree!”

My eyes watered. Nor would I have been felt up by that asshole of a doctor. I spat on Trevor and stood up from my seat, headed for the door. Trevor grabbed my arm, pulling me to his chest and I struggled in his arms, my heart beating at the same obnoxious speed as his.

“Let me go, you asshole!” I squirmed. Trevor was being ridiculous. He pinned my arms down at my sides and I let all of my breath huff out of my body, staring up into his wild eyes. He yanked my shades from my face and quickly put his hand back to pin my arm down. I squinted against the bright fluorescent lights of his office.

“Ah, horrible hangover, there it is,” he breathed. I turned away from him, too annoyed to even stare at his disgusted face. “Why do you act like this, Cindy? Why do you act like this towards me?”

“Because I hate you!” I whipped my head around to glare. “Yeah, I hit that fucking stupid ass tree but I met a hot ass doctor. Okay, he was a perv that only wanted sex but at least I tried to be available for once in my life. I’m not your girlfriend, if I want to spend my time with another persistent guy that offers me rides home even when I refuse, then I can. It’s my life and last time I checked you were not my father. Let me go or I’m pressing charges. You have a lot of money for me to claim, Trevor.”

He stared at me for a while longer and there was something in his eyes. It was a cross between desperation and yearning. Yet he somehow made both of the emotions fuse together into one look. He slowly let me go, his hands sliding down my arms, causing a noticeable heat to form on the shaft of my skin.

“Sorry,” he whispered as he bolted from his office, leaving me all alone.

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