1-800-Cinderella (25)

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Look at me uploading on regular intervals! WHOOP WHOOP! This chapter is so much ha SO CLOSE TO THE END. I'm not going to know what to do with my life ha Tell me what you think :)

“Ow, got damn it!” I screeched as Logan plucked another one of my eyebrow hairs. Not even going to start on how it felt when he waxed my private parts. Yeah, he waxed down there and he’s gay. Like what kind of gay guy likes to look at a woman’s stuff? I offered to shave like I usually do but he said it needed to be perfect, hairless, like a naked mole rat. Lets just say I was really offended. It was like he was saying my shaving wasn’t good enough. Rye had no problem with it…

“Be still, Cindy, seriously,” Logan chastised, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, one eye squinted in concentration.

“Ouch!” I hissed as he plucked again. “This hurts!” I whined.

“This wasn’t as bad as the waxing.”

“Yeah but it’s a close second!” I pouted and Logan glared at me, plucking again. I whimpered.

Logan sat back in the stool he was perched in and admired his craftsmanship. Obviously liking what he saw, he smiled. “Your eyebrows are sexy. Want to see?”

“Am I bleeding?” I muttered. He slapped me in the arm and handed me the handheld mirror. Okay, so my eyebrows looked great. The arch was perfect but nothing this good should hurt so bad. “Wow, Logan,” I whispered.

Clapping enthusiastically, Logan turned me around in the chair and plugged up a shitload of irons, fluffing out my hair. “Now, while these heat up, make up time!”

“Why do you work at the hotline if you can be a makeover artist or something?”

“Makeover artist is my dream job, the hotline job is my realistic one.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Are you scared to follow your dream?”

“Yeah, you caught me.” He shrugged and I laughed, letting him fool around with my face.

It took ages and let me just say that it’s freaking five o’ clock. I still haven’t even gotten dressed. He has been here since eight this morning. I am going to be so tired tonight that I’ll be glad when the clock strikes twelve.

I better look damn beautiful after all of this shit. Logan started on my hair and he would tug so hard as he added all of this heat to my hair. I usually just washed and then walked out of the house. No one should spend this much time on their hair, it’s criminal.

“Almost done, Cinderella.” He patted my shoulder and I held in a sigh. Just a few moments longer and he’ll leave me alone for good.

Ben walked into the living room with an ice cream in his hand and Fan Fan followed behind him. She was Ben’s favorite babysitter. At least she didn’t show him inappropriate things on TV like Nancy did.

“Whoa, mom, who are you?” Ben almost dropped his ice cream. I blushed.

“Shh little boy!” Logan hissed, putting a hand on his hip, the other hand holding the curling iron to my head. “Don’t spoil the surprise.”

Ben took a second to look at Logan’s wardrobe and he turned bright red. Logan had on green skin tight leather capris, a white crop top, and Keds. He looked like a gay caddy boy. “Um, okay.” He swallowed, hard, and then ran back for his room.

Chuckling to myself, I tried anything to distract me from this tedious hair doing process. I’m going to stab myself in the eyes to get away from this. I wasn’t born to like this.

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