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THE FUNERAL was kept short as the noise of the people around me descended until I heard them no more.

I stood in front of my father's grave for a while, not until I realized that the sun had already set.

I guess I couldn't just let go of you father. I have no one else, but I hope that you're happy wherever you are.

I was about to walk away not until a strange looking raven appeared in front of me as if it was observing me with eyes as red as crimson.


That eerie voice emerges out of nowhere as the raven caw that almost rings my inner ear.


I looked around and noticed a weird shadow standing next to the trees wearing a dark cloak with a wide smile on its face.

I felt icy chills in my spine as my instinct told me to run away from it and I did.

I ran away from the cemetery until I bumped into Uncle Jude.

I haven't seen him since—

"Mia, there you are." he says with a friendly smile, "Need a lift?"

I accepted his offer with haste. I just need to get away from that shadow stalking me from afar.

As soon as I was back, I greeted our house like an old friend.

It's been a while since the last time I was here. Because my father keeps insisting that I should join the Bible Camp to let myself out there. He wants me to be more active in church and I did just to make him proud. I understand that he wants me to have a healthy environment as I grow older.

People there are accommodating and welcoming, yet I am having a hard time opening myself up around them. The people there were filled with beauty and light.

It just made me feel that I don't belong there.

Without a warning I heard a loud thud coming from upstairs.

Is there someone inside my house?

I immediately grab something useful for my defense as I open every switch of light so I wouldn't be blinded by the darkness.

"Who is there?!" I shouted with no reply.

My father's door is slightly opened as if there's someone inside that room. I gathered every ounce of my courage and opened the light, to my surprise I witnessed strange scribbles of runes that were drawn beside the pentagram with a doll sitting on a piece of paper with my name.

Something tells me that I should grab the doll and throw it away because it feels like it is staring into my soul invoking strange words that I can't understand.

With a single contact with that doll, I heard it again, "You're mine now Mia."

Series of memories that weren't mine drowns my soul like a black hole that absorbs me into nothingness.

"We're the calamity and chaos in one."

From a larva that manifests its gift, that turned into a cocoon where it has been sealed away; now I feel that my soul reached its prime to spread its wings like a newborn death's head moth.

I casually walked in front of the mirror keeping a strong facade yet I broke character as I laughed like a winner.

Everything comes with a price.

After that witch turned away from me to run away with a human, I cursed her so I would still get my side of the bargain twice the price.

Yet, after realizing I imprinted a part of me to her daughter, she used her own life force to seal me away.

Yet as Mia's grows, so does the darkness in her heart. Mia took care of me until she reached her prime, yet my plan failed as her father took a desperate action that also caused his own death.

The only light that Mia clings into fades into darkness.

The long wait is over.

In order for me to camouflage myself I have to seal Mia's soul through this amulet.

I won't let her subdue me like how her parents did.

She'll soon join them, after I had my fun.

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