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(After she shoved Bree out)

I can't believe I just shoved Bree out of my car with none of her things. Oh well she deserved that.

But she didn't deserve to be called a slut, I knkw she's not. I just can't stand around and watch her get hurt by stupid COOPER. I'll have to give back her phone later cause I'm to angry.

Questions pop in my head

Wait how will she get home?

What if she never talk to me again?


"SCREW HER" I yell. She can be on her own from now on.


Cooper POV
(After Bree blacks out)

She blacks out.

"Great" I mutter and turn to Shawn.
"What do we do.... can she DIE" I say quite loud. Shawn just has this goofy-ass grin on his face.

"Wow! I've never seen you care about someone so much" he says.

"I only care now because... well I- erm....SHUT UP" I yell.

We get into the car with me in the back with her, so she can stay warm. I don't realize I'm staring at her body till Shawn says something.

"Dude stop checking her out... it's kinda kidnap perish" he says with a smirk. I just nod my head yes as I feel Bree subconsciously cuddle up to me.

"WTF IS SHE DOING" I whisper yell.

"It's called cuddling idiot... something you do with someone you-" I cut Shawn off with a sigh. I already know who he likes it's Liz.

"Wait how ..... ok so she left with Liz so what happened for her to be almost taken" I say panicking. Shawn just shrugs. I'm guessing we have to call Liz, but first what are we going to do with Bree.

"Dude what do we do should we report this or go to my house..." I say panicking.

"I don't know... Let's just go to your place, and the apartment so no one will be suspicious. We should also make Liz come over to explain" Shawn says.

I just nod, and we drive to my apartment, while he calls Liz.
I cradle Bree in my arms, she's
Soo beautiful. I just want to make her MINE. I can't though, I'm the player I need to keep my reputation, besides she's pretty FUCKING ugly.

Shawn gives me a sad look as if he read my mind.

"What" I say annoyed.

"Next time don't speak out loud" he says now angry.

"What do you m-" I sigh at the fact I said that all out loud.

I see a tear fall from Bree's face. She was freaking sub- consciously awake.

"Shit I'm sorry Bree I didn't-" I start to say but realizes she won't remember cause she was only partly awake.

"Asshole" Shawn mutters.

I messed up... Glad she won't remember that... hopefully.

That's all my C00ki3s

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