11 - not his girl.

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Time is a virtue i do not have. 

It has already been three days since the club, and i still have not heard word from Angelo. Not even to confirm the arrival of his tux. However, in his absence Gabriel has been wonderful company.

We've texted like crazy and were due to meet up for coffee later during the week. He was nice, admirable, and really funny. 

 But he just wasnt Angelo.

I wasnt sure if fantasizing about one man, but talking to another made me a bad person, but if it did, so be it. 

I looked around the room at all the fancy dresses on rails.

I wanted them all.

They ranged from maxi to mini, from red to black, glitzy to matte.

I was in heaven.

Amelia and Saron watched with me, both of their jaws slacked as mine was. Saron looked at me, "Fucking hell. Angelo knows how to splurge on his girls."

I rolled my eyes and bit down on my upcoming grin. "I'm not his girl."

Amelia spoke up, "Yeah, you definitely aren't. Because Angelo just fucks and sleeps over with all of his employee's." She gave me a side eye and i smirked.

"Maybe he does, i don't indulge in his secret kinks."

Saron looked back at me as she chocked on her champagne that the worker gave us. "You and Angelo fucked?"

"Multiple times," Mimi butted in for me. "In every room of her house."

I gave her a dirty look. "What i was going to say, was yes. And it's just an agreement. We're both attracted to each other and were both people with hormones, so it was bound to happen eventually," I explained our predicament out loud and it truly did sound scandalous. "I mean its just sex anyway. Nothing more, nothing less."

Saron smirked at me. "Right."

The store clerk came back to us with an armful of dresses. "So whos up first?"


Three hours and 14 dresses later, we had each made our decisions.

Because of Amelia's clothing business that was currently at its peak, she had earned herself an invitation even without my word. And because Saron was Jared's fiancé, she just counted herself as a plus one.

Amelia had chosen a black silky dress with crystals under the breast lining. She paired it with a mask that was dark, lacy and seductive. Her whole outfit really highlighted all her perfect features: blonde eyes, blue hair, and pink pouty lips.

Saron, on the other hand went bold with a sage green dress that ended midway around her thighs. 

When i asked her what if she needed to bend over, she simply gave me a look and whispered, "Easy access."

I laughed at her joke and then went back to look at myself in the mirror. I had chosen a white, spaghetti strapped dress, that was lined with fur on top of my breasts. They came with a set of matching gloves that also had fur on the seam. The back was completely empty, revealing practically everything above my ass. 

It was perfect.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture with all three of us, finding my new little friend group, made of comfort. After the photo, I loaded it onto my instagram tagged Saron and Amelia in it. About two seconds later, a notification popped up on my phone. 

I pressed to swipe it away, but I ended up clicking on it by accident. It was a news article by 'Daily Mail.'

'Yesterday: Angelo Stone and former lover, Jericho Anniston were spotted on a date out of LA'

When I read the heading, I felt my heart drop. Anniston? Really? Out of all the girls he could have went out of town with, he chose that raging bitch? And he didn't even tell me either? He just said he was on a business trip. 

What the fuck am i supposed to do with that?

Amelia looked up at my phone. "Shit," She muttered. "I mean, it doesn't necessarily mean anything; they could be having a work lunch." I wanted to agree but I knew Angelo wasn't interested in having a collaboration with Anniston's beauty; so realistically here was only one reason as to why they were out together..

They were on a date.

I shrugged and put my phone back in my purse. "I told you I'm not his girl."

Saron gave me a sad look and poured me another glass of champagne. "At least you've got another boy on your list? Gabriel right?" I slightly smirked as I remembered the boy from the club. A thought ran through my mind and a smirk grew on my face. I pulled out my phone and went up on his contact, pressed call and let it ring.

Amelia scrunched her eyebrows at me, but I just swatted her off. After three rings, his voice came through the speakers. "Hello, Elizabeth?" 

"Gabriel, What are you doing right now?" 


"Well when you said you were taking me out, I didn't think you meant to your workplace." Gabriel whispered in my ear with a smirk. His hand on my waist gave me familiar tingles and I spun to face him.

"I just have to pick something up from my office. We wont be long, I promise." I said as he followed my into the elevator. I pressed my floor and waited until we reached the top. I laughed at something Gabriel said as the doors to the elevator opened.

I stepped out and showed him around. He was transfixed at the same view I was the day I joined. "Holy fuck," He breathed. "This view is something else, Elizabeth." 

I chuckled and showed him into my office. He took a seat opposite my chair and I opened my drawer for the masquerade file. From the outside, I heard the familiar ding of the elevator doors opening. My heart dropped.

"I'll be right back." I said to Gabriel as I stepped outside of my office. I had a feeling I was going to see him soon. But I didn't know today was going to be the day. He was supposed to come back next week. Why is he so early?

The snap of custom made leather shoes across the floor confirmed my suspicions. And less than a second, I was met with those glistening Emerald eyes I love to hate.

Angelo Stone. 

As we stared at each other, I felt me heart beat up and down and out of my chest. It was so fucking loud I was sure even he could hear it. 

His eyebrows bunched together as he saw me, but still he let out an exasperated breath. He took a step closer to me, forcing me to the wall. "God, Elizabeth- I missed you so fucking-" He paused. "I'm sorry." 

I opened my mouth to reply, but i didn't get a chance to even begin to say what I wanted, before he crashed his mouth onto mine. 


...im sorry yall I know i said i wold update more often but im lazy and school takes up 99% of my time. So please forgive me xoxoxo.


and tysm for bringing my tiktok followings back up after i was banned 

love you, mwah mwah - gray<3  

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