Chapter Two

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I shake my head, Harry has something in mind as I'm positive that I don't like it.

"You scared Franchie?" Asked Zayn.

"Why would I be scared?"I asked a bit cheeky. .

"If me and the boys win you must go skinny dipping with me." Harry said.

"What about Zayn and Liam?" I questioned.

"They have girlfriends."

I groaned.

"And if me and my team win, you must walk Nude infront of the whole school tomorrow." I smiled when I hear the rest of the boys and Faye laugh.

Harry bit his lips and agreed.

I started off the game. Surprisingly they were really good. We scored the first two points. Then Harry and his team were soon catching up.

"Six serving six" I shouted to Both the teams. I was scared actually. I really didn't want to go skinny dipping with Harry.

The ball was flying in the air going in both directions.

I jumped up and spiked the ball as hard as I could.

Right after I spike the ball I hear a loud scream. Next thing you know Harry is on the floor clutching his nose.

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