Chapter Twenty

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"I'm sorry" was the last thing Harry said as he ran away.

I tried running after him, but it was so hard to dodge all the broken pieces of glass on the floor.

When I finally made the door he was no where in sight.

I walked back to the kitchen to pick up the broken pieces.

As I was going to pick up the last piece of glass on the floor, the phone began to ring.

I walked to the phone dreadfully.

"Ello?" I said emotionless.

"Hello, this is Ms. Murry from next door. I've heard loud noises coming from your flat, is everything all right?" Ms. Murry asked.

"Everything is fine ." I said as I held back the tears.

"Call me if you need anything!" She said before she hung up.

I sighed as I slid down the wall.

I reached for my phone an tried to dial Harry.

I put the phone on my ear a waited for a response.

"Please Harry...just answer me."

It sent me to voice mail.

I called a few more time.

The twelfth time I called he finally picked up.

"Harry?!" I asked.

There was no answer.

"Please, talk to me." I said drained out.

"I'm so sorry Francesca." Harry said through tears.

"Tell me where you are."

"I'm at my flat."

I quickly hung up and ran to my car.

I hit the pedal and drove as quick as I can, not caring of I passed any red lights.

In about five minutes I arrived at his flat.

I quickly knocked on his door and be opened it.

"Harry!" I said as I hugged him.

He hugged me back.

We walked back to his living room.

"What happened downstairs?"

"I-I dot know" he confessed.

"I just can't stand to see you with another guy."

I just sat by him, playing with his curls.

"Harry, I think it's just best if we are just friends."

"I agree." He said heart broken.

For a few minutes we were just silent.

The only thing that could be heard was our breathing.

"I'm sorry for everything." He finally said.

"I'm sorry for causing you pain, I'm sorry for scaring you, I'm sorry for everything."


*1 week later*

We were all siting outside for lunch today.

It was such a beautiful day.

"Ello!" I smiled.

I sat down next to Niall and Louis.

A bunch of 'heys' and 'hi' were Said back to me.

"Hey Francesca." Harry smiled at me.

"Hello curls" I said. I earned a smirk from him.

Me and Harry thought it would be bet I we stayed friends, not wanting anymore heartache and tears to come into play anymore.

"So how is the hottie Hunter?" Faye asked me.

I smirked, "he's wonderful actually."

I looked back at Harry an saw the smile gone.

"Harry!" I said as I threw a French fry at him.

He faked a smile to me.

I frowned knowing he's still upset about everything.

"You guys, on Fridays spring formal." Liam squealed.

We laughed at him for fangirling over the dance.

"Any of y'all going?" Zayn asked.

"I'm going with Eleanor." Louis smiled.

"What about you Zayn?" Louis asked.

"It gonna be me and Perrie." He said while sipping his water.

"Liam?" Faye asked.

"I still haven't asked Danielle to go. I'm gonna ask her now." Liam said excitedly.

"Liam, she's at cheerleading practice." Louis said.

Liam pouted.

"And you widdle Nialler?" I asked Niall as I punched his cheeks.

His cheeks were so red and adorable.

"I have no one to go with." He said.

"You can go with Faye." Harry said.

"Will ya Faye?" Niall asked.

Faye laughed. "Of course my widdle leprechaun." She said.

I laughed knowing they would be such a Cute couple.

"What about you Harry?" Faye asked.

"I have no one to go with." He said as he looked down at his food.

"What about you Francesca?"

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