Chapter Nineteen

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Your comments just make me really happy :) I just really want to thank you , so much :).

So how is your spring break? Has it started yet? How long is it? What do you plan on doing for your spting break?

I'm currently in mine spring break. It's only a week, it's supposed to be two but the board of education is mean to us :/ I was supposed to go to Atlantis this spring break, BUT my passport has expired. Sighh :p

Tell me in the comments what you guys are going to do/ doing/ have done! :)



It was most likely one in the morning by the time I came home.

I was really tired by the time I walked up the steps to my room.

I quickly stripped off my clothing and got into my pajamas.

When I was done with that, I climbed into bed.

As I tried to get comfortable in my bed, I felt something hard and warm.

I began to punch at it, it was really hard to see in the dark.

"Oi!" The person shouted.

I let out a shriek.

I ran to the light an turned it on.

To my surprise I saw Harry in my bed.

"Harry, what the fuck?!" I screamed.

"Where were you?!" He asked me.

"Harry, why are you here and how did you get in?!" I asked freaked out.

"You never answered my texts that I sent you. I was worried so I can here. I decided to stay up until you came back, but I got tired an fell to sleep." Harry finally answered.

I rolled my eyes.

"You still forgot to help me how you got in here?"

"Well your door was opened." He answered simply.

I face palmed myself. How can I leave the door opened?

"You still haven't answered my question." He stated.

"What question?"

"Where were you?"

"I was out." I stated as I sat on my bed.

"Out? What do you mean out?" He asked a bit angry ad betrayed.

"I was out with Hunter."

The look on his face was indescribable.

He looked like he wanted to strangle somebody.

He just stood there and clenched his fist up.

"Harry.." I squeaked.

I looked at him with fear, his knuckles were turning white.

I stood up and walked towards the figure that looked 20 feet tall all of a sudden.

"Harry...please say something" I pleaded as I grabbed his hands.

"I can't beli- why would yo- this is rea-" he practically shouted.

I backed away a little.

"I'm gonna get some water." Harry Said through gritted teeth.

I watched Harry as he went down the stairs.

I heard the cupboard being slammed and opened repeatedly.

I heard muffled shouts and glass shattering from down stairs.

Tears immediately begin to spring from my eyes.

I sprint downstairs.

I stop as I hear Harry screaming.

"Why does she go after every other fucking prick!"Harry shouted as he threw another plate on the floor.

I stood there in fear. Not knowing weather to run away or hide.

"Fuck this!" He shouted as he punched the wall.

"Harry! Stop, please!" I sobbed out.

He turned around and faced me now.

His bright and energetic green eyes were now dull and lifeless grey.

"Francesca." His voice softened.

He tried to walk near me but I backed away.

"Please..Francesca." He said as he tried to inch near me.

I continued to back away.

"Please! Don't be afraid." He squeaked.

I looked up at him and saw his eyes water.

I felt like I couldn't control my legs, I just backed away from him more.

"Please"he whispered as the tears streamed down his face.

I tried to say something,but nothing came out of my mouth.

He shook his head and ran for the door .

"I'm sorry."

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