Chapter Eighteen

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Before I begin writing I would like to say a massive thank you to all my readers! I would of never thought of my story having 70,000+ views and 400+ votes. I love waking up to this, it just really does complete my day :) once again..


(Sending you all a virtual hug :3)


I was sitting around for about 15 minutes until I heard my phone ringing.

I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Francesca! It's me Hunter, I'm in front of your flat."

"I'll be out in a few seconds. See ya out there"

I quickly grabbed my purse and dashed for the door.

Once I got out of the door I saw Hunter waiting outside with his really expensive looking car.

"Hey love." Hunter said as he hugged me.

"Hello." I replied with a smile.

He opened the car door for me.

I blushed and said a thank you.

Once he was in there I asked where we were going.

"Let's say its a picnic?" He said to me.

"Where will this picnic take place?" I asked more curiously.

He laughed, "You will see. We're almost there." He said with a smile.

After talking for a good 15 minutes he told me we were almost there.

I looked out the window and saw we were at the country part of London.

"We're here!" Hunter said excitedly.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and quickly ran over to my door so he can open it.

I thanked him, and let him grab my hand.

He walked me over this open field.

The picnic was already set up with candles, food, blankets, pillows, a guitar, and much more.

I smiled and grabbed his hand and ran to the great display he set up.

I sat down carefully not wanting to misplace anything.

"This-just beautiful!" I exclaimed.

He smiled,"all for you Francesca." He said as he grabbed my hands.

I could feel my face getting red.

"Your adorable." He said to me.

"Your dimples are so deep and beautiful. Your hair is so long and soft and it cascades down your back beautifully.

You're just stunning." He blushed at me.

By now I was redder than a tomato.

"Hunter, same goes for you. Your beauty is so indescribable. Your just- beautiful inside and out" I Said as I cuddled closer to him.

We ate all the food he brought.

Who knew he was such a great cook?

After eating he pulled out the guitar and started to strum a very familiar song.

He began to sin the way you look tonight by Elton John, one of my favorite songs.

As he played the last chord he came closer to my face a gently kissed me.

We spent the rest o the night talking, looking at the stars, and dancing under them.


We finally arrived home.

"Thank you for the amazing night." I said as he finished walking me to my flat.

"Your totally welcome. Thank you for coming." He said as he pulled me on for a hug.

When he pulled away he gave me a long passionate kiss.

"Bye Francesca." He waved to me.

"Bye." I said as I watched him leave.

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