Chapter 16

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You enter the dojo after Hawk and Miguel, which had been nicely opened for them. She put her gi on top of what she was wearing. Miles entered soon after her, talking to a few friends who were joining.

"What? What the hell happened here?" Miguel says, looking around at the semi-destroyed dojo.

"Looks like Sensei threw a party," Aisha answered, Clover, shrugged.

"Must've been pretty sick if fire got involved." Hawk laughed, she followed after the two towards the front.

"Quiet!" She heard the lovely loud voice of Sensei Lawrence.

"The dojo's closed to new students today."Sensei told the new students

"We just wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament,"Chris said, Clover cringed.

"Do I need to say it again? Get out." Sensei told them again

"Yes, sir Sensei Come on, let's go." Mitch said, leading the new recruits out

"Let's go, move it. Come back tomorrow And bring your cheque books Everyone, fall in." Sensei says, moving towards the front of the room.

"Must've been a rager, Sensei." Hawk spoke, once he arrived to the front

"Yeah, were you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel said, smiling like an idiot

"Celebrating what? My students are a bunch of pussies. Diaz, Hawk, up front. Hawk Did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?" Sensei asks, Clover gives him a surprised look

"Yes, Sensei." Hawk answered, looking at sensei.

"Diaz. Did you purposely attack your opponent's injury?" Sensei then asks Miguel

"Yes, Sensei,"Miguel replies. As confused as Hawk.

"You think that makes you badass? What's the matter, too tough a question? Maybe you need some help. Ms. Robinson." Sensei shouts, gaining Aisha's attention.

"Yes, Sensei."

"Two cobras in the jungle One kills the strongest lion. The other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you wanna be?" Sensei asks the girl.

"The one that kills the lion, Sensei." Aisha answered confidently

"And why is that?"

" Because it killed a stronger animal." She answered

"Correct. Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest. Not when his back is turned, not when he's injured. Is that understood?" He lectures them

"Yes, Sensei" They all answer

"That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. From here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies, do you?" Sensei assures

" No, Sensei." We answer again

"Good. It's why I had you wear white belts, we're starting over. Diaz, Hawk, 50 push-ups on your knuckles. Ms. Robinson, warm them up." Sensei says, walking into his office.

"Yes, Sensei. Fighting position. Jab punch, ready."

"Yeah, screw you, too, Bert." Aisha laughs, as they all exit the building.

Clover waits out the front, waiting for Aisha. They had to start the movie soon or she won't be able to watch it all as she has another chemotherapy appointment. She hated them because they made her tired and sick most of the time.

They sat down after getting to Hawk's house, lots of popcorn being passed around and the movie played, it wasn't too bad but she definitely couldn't remember everything that happened. Miles stayed at Hawk's longer and Clover walked out the front of Hawk's house and into her mothers car for her chemotherapy. She had only started it a few months ago as it had started to get worse.

Clover walked into the house feeling sad and tired as ever, she found out that she has less time now and it made her feel all yuck inside. She was scared, very scared. She didn't want it to end like this, she hasn't even made it to senior year yet. She layed on her bed looking at the roof, letting her thoughts race.

She got into Miles's car the next day, heading to the dojo again for another day of training. She saw some of the same people yesterday.

"What do you think? Shit-head One and Shit-head Two?" Hawk asks, as we stood in front of Chris and Mitch.

"I was thinking more about Mary-Kate and Ass-hat." Aisha responds, Hawk laughs

"Well, I'm-" Chris is cut off

"Did I say you can speak?" Hawk yells, Clover rolls her eyes

"Guys, look, they're just messing with you."Miguel says, walking towards them

"Thanks, man." Chris says, Clover knew Miguel was up to something.

"Besides, everyone knows your names are Ass-face and Douchebag." Miguel continues, yep there it is.

"Dibs on Ass-face." Mitch says to Chris. The bell rings and she sees someone walk in

"Who's that?"Hawk asks

"I don't know." Miguel says, he walks over to the man

"Hey, uh, can I help you, sir?" Miguel asks, politely.

"No. But maybe I can help you." The man responds, Clover gives him a weird look.

Sensei and the man speak to each other in quiet voices, she was intrigued of who this man is

"Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here. Mr. Diaz, warm them up." Sensei introduces the man. Miguel walks to the front to warm us up

"Fighting positions! Front kick. Forward strike. Side dab." We follow after him the dab. Sensei looked embarrassed

"What the hell was that?" Sensei asks

"We're just messing around. We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley." Miguel tells him

"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk says, egotistically.

"Oh, yeah, really, huh? So you know everything. There's nothing left to learn, huh? What's so funny, Ms.Robinson?" Sensei asks Aisha as he notices her laughing

"I'm sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand." She giggles

"Try me."

"It's a snake-doo."

"What's a snake-doo ''? We all make snakes with our arms and make a hissing noise.

" Quiet! 5:00 am tomorrow morning Corner of Fulton and Raymer You don't show, and you're off the team. Class dismissed." We all looked at him shocked, he only just started acting this way as soon as Mr. Kreese entered. She sighed and grabbed her bag to go back home, she didn't have much else to do.

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