Evil City

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"You must travel to the evil city of Azur-Tarnbar, where amidst the dead there you will find the fabled ring of prophecy! With it the future will be open to you.", says the dragon.

"Very well, to which direction is this city?"

"Travel further north, past the Lake Everlasting. In there you will have an opportunity to go back to your castle."

"What would I want there?"

"You can stash equipment you don' t need, and the place is filled with books. Perhaps you can find a map there."

"I don't want to go back there."

"Suit yourself.", the dragon says as it flies away,

You travel many days seeking the fabled city, until you run into a group of brigands.

"Your gold or your life."

You use your scepter to end their lives in fiery destruction. The ball of flame forms straight in front of the scepter and travels towards them, exploding in their midst. All but one assailant are dead, and the survivor just runs for his life.

You resume your travels and eventually you find the ruined city. You assume the hidden treasures are underneath it, so you take your trusty pickaxe and start destroying soil to reach the treasures.

After you have destroyed enough soil and rock, you find a sleeping dragon upon a pile of gold. It wakes up and breathes acid upon you. 

You were taken by surprise and the acid damages you something fierce. You cast a fireball at the dragon using your staff, but the beast doesn't die. Instead it comes very close to you.

You cast a third fireball, but somehow the dragon dodges it. It bites off your arm.

Cursing, you try another fireball but is unable to cast. You just toss the scepter at the dragon and draw your sword with your only remaining arm.

You fight the dragon with all your might, but you are no match to it. You end up dying.

So it is much to your surprise that you wake up later. You look at yourself and you are a skeleton.

"How did this happen?", you ask yourself.

"The city itself is cursed. Anyone who dies here returns as an undead."

"Should I fight the dragon again?"

"You'd only be defeated again. Accept your losses. Your new task is to be revived."

"How can I be revived?"

"There is a temple not too far away. In there a powerful priest is capable of reviving the dead. Travel there."

"Alright I'll go. But won't he ask for compensation?"

"You're right. Here, have a bag of diamonds.", the voice in your head says, as a bag full of diamonds fall from the sky.

You travel towards the designated region and upon arriving there you look for the temple. The locals panic, thinking there is an undead attack going on, but you explain to them you are just seeking to be revived. They finally take you to the priest.

"Seems like you got yourself into a bad situation, my bony friend. But I can revive you."

"Can you make me stronger as well?"

"That is not how ressurection works. You will feel weaker for awhile even."

The priest takes your diamonds and revives you. The temple provides you with white garments.

"Get some rest before you travel. Good luck out there young one."

You stay in the temple until you are feeling better. Then the only plan you have is going after the dragon that killed you. You kept a tiny diamond and you sell it to buy some basic equipment. Then you head to a tavern and try to find a group of adventurers to go after the dragon. 

You end up finding a group, a wizard woman named Celyn, a human warrior named Tretus and a cleric name Truul. They accept to travel with you to vanquish the evil dragon.

Buying a wagon, you head to the evil city,

Upon arrival, you easily find the hole you made in the ground. The dragon is stil sleeping atop his treasure, but he awakes when we show up.

"You again?", says the dragon.

"Came to get my stuff back."

"Over my dead body."

"Thy will be done."

Your group of adventurers fight the dragon. It uses its breath and disables the warrior quicky. Not looks like it is a caster battle. The dragon flies closer to the casters, and you jump at his treasure. You locate your magical staff and grab it. As the dragon goes on to attack the casters, you cast a fireball on its back. 

The dragon falls to the ground wounded. It then quickly climb the walls of his lair. You hit it with another fireball, and it falls to the ground. You use the last fireball on it and it dies.

"Here, wizard. Have this staff."

"You sure you don't want it?"

"I used it for the purpose I had for it. I think you can make a better use of it than me from now on."

You search the treasure of the dragon until you find a large purple gem.

"This is the gem I was looking for. Bring it to me."

You leave the region and find a high place. Then the dragon appears to you again.

"Good, good, you found the gem. The next thing I need you to do is..."

As the dragon was speaking, another huge dragon shows up and the two of them start battlin in the sky. You run away fearing for your life.

You then find the corpse of the wizard you just gifted the magical staff to.

"Oh no, bandits got the staff! I must retrieve it."

You follow a set of footprints until you find a band of thieves roasting some meat.

"You think this staff is worth anything? The gem on top looks expensive."

"I don't know, we can ask the old man of the mountain later."

"Give me back the staff."

"Guys, I saw that little man before. He blasted our fellow thieves with magic."

"The magic is in the staff. He can't do anything."

You draw your brand new sword and hack away at the thief, slicing his hand off and grabbing the staff! Then you run away.

"Aargh! Catch him!"

You run very fast, but the thieves catch up with you.

"What are you gonna do now, staff boy?"

"Me? Nothing. But she will."


The undead wizard bites the thief on the neck and he dies.

The other thieves run away.

"Thank you.", you say to the undead. You are not sure she can understand, so you leave before she bites you as well.

You loot some tombs in the evil city to scrounge together some valuables. You then head to the closest village and buy a new horse.

"I wish I could find my old horse but he is probably dead.", you say to the people selling you a horse.

"Well, take better care of this one."

You ride your horse away from the evil city for good.

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