Chapter 2

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The group drove over to the crowd that was saying goodbye to the new group of vk's. Mal and Y/N went over to Celia who was saying goodbye to her dad. Evie went over to Dizzy who was saying goodbye to her grandmother. Carlos and Jay went over to Squeaky and Squirmy who were saying goodbye to their dad.

"Here, let me help get this off of you." Mal said as she tried to help Celia with her backpack but Celia just took it off herself and threw it into the trunk of the limo. "Oh."

"Okay." Y/N said as she closed the trunk. "Let's go and do..." Celia walked away as Y/N was in the middle of talking. "This." Y/N finished awkwardly causing Mal to laugh at her. 

The others got into the limo as Mal and Y/N paused and waved to the crowd before following the group into the limo.

As Jay started to drive away, Evie turned to Dizzy with a smile. "So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream." 

"And go swimming?" Dizzy cut in excitedly.

"I can take you to the Enchanted Lake." Evie told Dizzy causing them both to squeal.

"I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own castle." Dizzy exclaimed.

"It's just a little starter castle." Evie said humbly.

"Here." Carlos said as he reached across Squeaky to grab a reese's peanut butter cup and handing it to Squeaky. "Go on. Trust me on this." Squeaky hesitantly took a bite causing his eyes to go wide. "I know. Dig in, dig in."

Celia turned to Y/N and showed her her deck of tarot cards while looking at her with a smirk. Y/N took a card with a smile before handing it to Celia. Celia put her hand over the card while closing her eyes and nodding with a smile.

"You're going to be a wise and brave Queen." Celia told Y/N as she showed her the card.

"She already is." Mal told Celia with a smile as she grabbed Y/N's arm.

"See? The cards never lie." Celia said with a grin as she held out her hand, waiting.

"Uh." Y/N muttered as she grabbed her wallet from her pants and pulled out some cash and placing it in Celia's hand causing her to get excited.

As they drove closer to the barrier, Jay pressed the button to open it as a crowd of people watched them leave. Evie looked back at them with a grin when all of a sudden she saw Hades push his way through the crowd and run towards the barrier. Just before the barrier closed, Hades shoved his hand, which was holding his ember, through the opening causing them ember to light up as it got its powers back.

"It's Hades." Evie exclaimed causing the group to turn in shock as Hades started to force the barrier to open even more. "Stop the car. He's trying to escape." Jay quickly stopped the limo and everyone rushed out of it.

"I am a god! I don't belong here!" Hades shouted as he tried to force his way out through the barrier.

Evie and Mal quickly pushed the kids back in the car and closed the doors behind them as Carlos, Jay, and Y/N tried to rush at Hades causing him to shoot them with his magic and they fell to the ground. Mal looked at Hades in shock as they locked eyes. Her eyes turned green as purple smoke started to surround her. Everyone watched as the smoke cleared to reveal that Mal turned herself into a dragon. Mal screeched at Hades as he looked at her with wide eyes. Mal flew forwards towards Hades causing him to point his embers magic at her. Her friends, and fiance, watched in shock and horror as Hades' magic affected her.

"Come on, Mal, blast him." Jay called out to Mal as Hades kept blasting her while she did nothing.

Mal breathed on Hades strongly until he couldn't take it anymore and was shoved away from the barrier. Mal screeched in pain as she slowly descended while Evie helped the boys and Y/N up and the kids opened the doors of the limo. Smoke surrounded Mal again as she landed on the back of the limo and turned back into her human form. Mal grunted in pain as Evie and Y/N helped her down from the limo. 

"Are you okay?" Evie asked Mal, concerned, as she and Y/N helped her to stand.

"No." Mal cried as she clutched her stomach. "He was draining all of my magic with that ember, and I felt all of my powers slipping away." 

"You're safe." Evie assured Mal before turning to look at Hades who was looking at them with a glare as he stood up from the ground. "He's back where he belongs."

"Yeah, for now." Mal said as she leaned against Y/N while they watched Hades walk away causing the crowd behind the barrier to scatter.

Jay walked over to Mal and placed his hand on her arm. "We should go." Jay told Mal softly.

"Okay." Mal whispered and they all walked over to the limo before climbing in and driving back to Auradon.


The next morning, Mal and Y/N met up with Belle, Beast, and Fairy Godmother. Mal and Y/N stood next to each other while the adults stood across from them.

"I think we all know why we're here." Beast told the group and Y/N looked at him, confused. "The people are in a panic about Hades. He almost got out." Beast told Y/N causing her to scoff while Mal stayed silent with her arms crossed.

"Who knows what he would've done if he had escaped?" Fairy Godmother asked Y/N.

"We can't risk having another villain on the loose." Beast told Y/N and Mal.

"I really feel like this is my fault." Mal told the group before turning to Y/N. "I'm supposed to protect Auradon."

"You did." Y/N told Mal. "You do protect Auradon."

"Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger." Beast told Y/N. "Maleficent, Uma, Hades." Beast continued before Y/N's phone went off.

Y/N opened the text she received before sighing and turning to face the group. "Maleficent's scepter and the queen's crown have been stolen." Y/N told the group causing Fairy Godmother to gasp. 

"Uma?" Beast exclaimed while pointing at Y/N. 

"We don't know that, Dad." Y/N told her father as Mal stepped away.

"When the people hear this, they will never wanna leave their houses." Belle told the group. "What do we tell them?" Belle asked the group before turning to Mal. "Mal? What do we do? How do we keep evil out of Auradon?"

Mal looked down at the ground as everyone turned to look at her. "I think that there's only... one way to guarantee their safety. And I think that there..." Mal hesitated before looking up at the group. "Can't be anymore going in and out. I think that we have to close the barrier... forever." 

Y/N shook her head in disbelief as she looked at the adults who nodded in agreement to Mal.

"No." Y/N shook her head as she started to walk away.

"Y/N." Beast called after Y/N.

"No." Y/N said as she walked away.

"Y/N." Mal said sadly as she followed her.

"No, no, no, no." Y/N muttered as she continued to walk away.

"Y/N. Hey." Mal said as she stopped Y/N's pace and grabbed her hands. "I do not want to take away your dream. Because it was so beautiful. And it is why I fell in love with you. But as Queens... what's our duty?"

"To protect Auradon." Y/N said sadly as she looked at Mal. "But do you know what this would mean? All those kids? Are you prepared for that?"

"I know what it means..." Mal said as she nodded her head sadly. "And no, I'm not prepared for it. I just think that we have no other choice." 

"Y/N?" Beast said as he walked towards the couple causing Mal to look at him. "Mal's right." 

"I just don't think that we would forgive ourselves if something terrible happened." Mal told them as she stepped away from Y/N.

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