Chapter 1

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Finney Blake wakes up on September 7th 2021, this should not be a problem. However the last thing Finney remembered was that it was the 11th of December 2021, when he walked out of The Grabbers Basement.

(Finney Blake has been given the chance to prevent any of the kidnappings from ever happening, Finney sets out with the goal of only saving the other boys from The Grabber. But along the way he grows closer with all of them, and maybe gets his shot to say something that was left unsaid.

Essentially the Time Travel Fix-It, modern retelling that I was in desperate need of, and hopefully others are as well.

Update:Changes and revisions made to Chapter 13 please read.


Hey Y'all thanks for clicking on my fic,


The events of the fic take place in 2021, as I felt I could not write an accurate portrayal of the 70's. Also all the kidnappings in this fic took place between September and December, with Billy being the first kidnapping on the 9th of September and Finney's being on the 4th of December. The others kidnapping dates will be explained in the fic.

Without further a due, enjoy the fic.

(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter 1: A Second Chance, Finney's Dance.

Chapter Text

Finney Blake woke up at 5.17am on the 7th of September 2021. This should not be a problem. However this is a problem, because the last thing Finney remembers was walking out of The Grabbers basement on the 11th of December.

He checked the date on his phone agin, and it hadn't changed. It still read the as the 7th of September, the only thing that had changed was the time, which now read 5.19. Was it all a dream? Or better yet was it all just some crazy nightmare that his subconscious had conjured? If it was maybe Finney should see the counsellor.

It wasn't real. That was the only explanation. Finney felt a great relief shoot through him, the basement wasn't real.. that stupid black phone wasn't real... none of the kidnappings were real. Which meant that the boy's were alive. Billy was fine and probably due to drop of the morning papers in an hour. Griffin was still at home, and most likely still asleep. Bruce was alive, and was most likely at home. Vance was doing whatever Vance did at this hour. And Robin.

Robin was fine, Robin was alive. Finney would get to see him again. That idea filled Finney with great relief, he truly thought that the phone call was the last time he was going to hear from Robin. But now, life would go on as normal. He would get to see Robin pretty much everyday till they moved away from this town, he wouldn't have to live in fear of always looking over his shoulder. Finney was ecstatic at the idea. But then any and all feelings of joy were crushed by a familiar ringing.

Oh no.

The black dial up rang. Then it rang again. And again. And again.

All Finney could do was look at it. It was still ringing. It was looking at him, mocking him for even thinking he was free. The ringing continued. Finney stood up from his bed, was it his bed? God it had felt like it, he truly though that he was home. But now he looked at his surroundings, he was in a white room. Was this purgatory?

It must be hell, if that phone was there. Maybe this was Finney's punishment for killing The Grabber, he knew that killing someone was like the number one rule that shouldn't be broken on the 10 commandments, but he was certainly not thinking of that when he killed The Grabber. But why had God let him have his phone if this was a punishment?

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