Chapter 2

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   "Keep breathing." The older midwife tells Rhaenyra.

   She squeezes Maera's hand harder trying to take deep breaths. "And push." The other woman advises.

   Rhaenyra groans while pushing, about to give up entirely. Maera brushed her sweat soaked hair off of her mothers face.

   "The head!" The younger midwife cry's out. "One more push" Maera softly tells her. A yell leaves her throat when she pushes one last time.

   "A boy, princess." One midwife says "Praise the mother." The younger of the two exclaims.

   Maera takes the baby from the midwife's hands and places her brother gently in her mothers open arms.

   The doors to the chambers are opened. The woman who opened said doors interrupts the moment. "Princess, the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately."

   Rhaenyra face drops. "Why?" She voices, annoyed at the intrusion. The new person in the room doesn't answer. Rhaenyra gets up and says to her daughter. "Go tell your brothers that everything is alright, and do make sure they picked out an egg."

   "But mother-" She tries.

   "No buts Maera go join your brothers."

   "Fine" She sulks, but does not leave the room without kissing her mothers cheek. While walking down the hallway she runs into Aemond and all thoughts of going to find her brothers fly out of her mind. "Aemond!"

   She started walking a little faster to join him, falling into step at his side. "Where are we going?" Maera asks looking up at him.

   "I am going to the dragon pit," He says, not looking at her. "you are going to your lessons with Helaena"

   "Nope," She says, skipping ahead of him "now we are both going to the dragon pit." She smiles at him when he finally looks down at her, laughing to himself.

   He gives her a look as if to say 'what are you doing' before he gives in. After a moment he takes her hand into his and they begin their walk to the dragon pit.


   After all the kids watch Jacaerys display with Vermax Aegon begins, "Aemond, we have a surprise for you."

   Maera casts a weary expression towards her betrothed but he ignores it. "What is it?" He asks.

   "Something very special." Maeras' own brother, Lucerys responds.

   "You're the only one of us without a dragon." The oldest silver haired boy states.

   Aemond looks at Maera wondering if she knows anything about this, she shakes her head indicating she doesn't. "Indeed" he drawls confused.

   "And we felt badly about it," Aegon pauses, "so...we found one for you."

   "A dragon? How?" He doesn't react, not believing them.

   "The gods provide." The eldest says. The distant sound of a pig grunting reaches Maeras ears; she wants to take Aemond away to avoid this but it's too late. "Behold the pink dread!" Aegon and Lucerys sing.

   They laugh together, "be sure to mount her carefully. First flights always rough." They leave giggling. Maera stays with Aemond as he stares into the darkness of the dragon pit.

   "Aemond please not again." She whispers, scared of the dark.

   Aemonds gaze turns to her, she watches his eyes soften. "Go back to the castle." He turns back to the darkness and starts walking down into it.

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