Chapter 5

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   The years spent at Dragonstone were wonderful to Maera, but she always felt like she was missing something. She's summed up in the years she's been away from him that her prince was what the missing piece was .

   They still sent letters, and when they could they would send gifts as well, but that was never enough for them. They wanted to see each other. Both of the once children were now flourishing into adulthood. Separately.

   The pair both knew they had changed immensely in the time away. For Aemond that included finally growing into his body, gaining his looks, and developing a confidence he never would have had if prior events hadn't transpired.

   For Maera though, she had immensely changed. Anyone who knew her before wouldn't know she and the little girl from before were the same.

   Aemond could tell she had changed just through her letters.

   Looks wise, she had always been beautiful, but now if someone got a small look they could tell she was gorgeous. The girl's hair has grown out and down to around her lower back is, the color was unique even in her family with it being paler than most. Her unique grey eyes have only made her looks even more ethereal.

   The way she holds herself now makes it known she doesn't take any disrespect. She's confident and people are intimidated by that.

   Daemon, her father, has been the main harbinger of said transformation in attitude and the way she holds herself. She's learned many things, most from her father, to not take shit from someone who doesn't deserve to talk shit.

   She has also grown to realize that when she walks in a room people look. Everyone looks. Now whether they look away or not is something she can't control, but she likes the changes she's made to herself, she likes having the control in certain situations.

   She's not as ignorant to the world as she once was anymore. Maera knows that if she shows weakness someone will exploit it and people will try to use her for their own gain. Even family.


   Her walk on the beach is interrupted when a servant shouts, "princess! A letter has arrived for you." He caught up to her breath coming in short bursts.

   She responds with a short. "Thank you." He bows and runs off back to the castle.

   As soon as she can't see him anymore she rips open the letter frantically.

   Dear my beloved,

   The days continue to pass and all I can think about is you. The only thing I can focus on all day is how the rest of our lives will turn out. After we are wed Ill never wish to part again. The only thing that currently stops me from flying to dragon stone and bringing you back to Kingslanding with me is that I only have to wait 7 days to finally see you.

   With love,
Aemond Targaryen. 

   She can't help but let a smile appear on her face as she is reminded they are to be married in a few days time.


   When she returns to the castle she walks into the room where her brother is learning high Valyrian with Maester Gerardys. 

She descends the steps, the ends of her gown brushing each one. The dress was a deep burgundy satin that clung to her upper body tightly and gold beading on the bodice with matching red laces on the back.

   Her shoes echo through the room as she makes her way over to the table her brother stands at.

   "The Conqueror and his sisters sailed with a great army." Jacaerys recites .

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