Chapter 4

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   Maera had seen the wedding between Daemon and her mother, she knew it would happen yet she didn't believe for one moment that they would really kill Laenor.

   The dreams she sees at night have only grown more confusing and difficult to interpret. On several occasions she has grown so frustrated she almost asked Aemond for help.

   Her most recent dreams have revealed many things. Some showing the future and some highlighting past events.

   She can see the white fabric of her wedding gown. She can see a boat arriving back at Dragonstone. The more she dreams the more she knows, but the one thing she sees every night is the sapphire in the eye of her beloved.

   She never detested him for his eye, rather she thought it made him more unique. He never saw it that way and would go as far as to apologize.

   Maera thought this was crazy when one, her brothers, were the ones who cut it out. Two she was the one that suggested he claim Vhagar leading to the events unfolding after. And three he didn't voluntarily give up his eye, and even if he did she wouldn't love him any less because of something so physical.

   She knew he didn't see it like that, the way he saw it he has become something to despise for not being perfect. He never did listen to her when she spoke of loving his flaws even if she didn't see them.


   When the death of the only father figure she had known her whole life was announced she broke down. She had cried for days hoping it would be false. Wishing for him to burst into her room and take her into his arms, to bring her under the stars and teach her the constellations even though they both knew she fell asleep in his arms before  he even started the story of what the many stars in the sky meant.

   She missed those days, the ones where she could do nothing and it still be considered princessly. She missed the days where her family didn't have secrets, lies, and skeletons in every closet.

   She knew she would never get those days back, but at least when they were to go back to Dragonstone it would be similar.

   She was to spend the days until her wedding to Aemond on Dragonstone with her family. It would be like torture to be without her love, but they could get by with letters and messengers.

   After the ceremony of her, now stepfather, and mothers wedding the new 'family' set sail for Dragonstone. She knew it would be different now that she didn't have her father. But at least when they left she finally got away from all the pitying glances and the expressions of condolences caused with his death.

   She knows Ser Laenor is not her biological father, but he was what she imagined a father being like. Even though she wasn't his he still loved and took care of her.

   Maybe he always held some sort of resentment but he never let it show. At least not to her.

   On Driftmark she couldn't go down one hallway without a servant or member of the staff spouting on about how great her father was and how devastated they were he'd passed. She knew. She knew that none of them had actually known him personally. Maybe they had connected eyes in the garden or passed him in the halls or who knows what, but all she knew was that most of them had never spoken to him .

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