Part 1

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-When he was six years old, Victor Frankenstein got Sparky as a small puppy from the local pet shop

-Elsa Van Helsing got Persephone as a gift for her seventh birthday

-Victor's full name is Victor Charles Frankenstein

-Victor is strongly not fond of sports, especially baseball. But he does love to play fetch with Sparky and ride his bike

-Victor secretly has a crush on Elsa, but he's too nervous to say anything. But he wouldn't mind just being friends with her

-Even though he doesn't get along too well with Toshiaki and Nassor very well, Victor doesn't mind Bob (who was one of the "cool kids") being nice to him

-Victor used to have a pen pal in London named Shamus Holmes. They wrote to each other back and forth almost every week, until Victor reached college. That was when the letters from Shamus stopped coming

-Victor isn't allergic to anything, but he does get nauseous around peaches for some reason

-When he grows up, Victor either wants to become a scientist, a vet, or a movie director... but he can't decide

-Victor likes to watch both horror and sci-fi films. His favorites are Karloff's "Frankenstein", "The Fly", "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms", "Behemoth the Sea Monster", and "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers"

-The Monday after Dutch Day, Victor was told to stay after school for baseball practice, but when he hit the ball and ran around the diamond, he fell, broke his arm and got a black eye, and he was suspended from the baseball team... which he thought was the best day ever

-Victor isn't particularly fond of his young cousin, Vincent Malloy. He's often annoyed by Vincent's slightly obsessive mannerisms and all of his Vincent Price talk and Vincent's mother blames Victor for introducing her son to scary movies in the first place

-Victor was born on August 31st, 1961

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