Part 11

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-Around the time she was still alive, Loretta Thistlewing had quite the collection of tormentors. The worst of them all was Samuel Westenra, the burgomaster's only son and New Holland's local hero/biggest bully. Samuel was originally born in Europe, but he came to New Holland with his father to start something new. When he grew up, he became not only a regular hunter, but also a witch hunter. He'd pull nasty practical jokes on the people he and most of the other townspeople considered outcasts and freaks, especially Loretta. He would mock her, steal from her, and even beat her every chance she got, all because she was an outcast

-But not everyone in the village hated Loretta. She had a handful of close friends, one of which she fell in love with. His name was Alfred Van Helsing and he arrived in New Holland at the exact same time Samuel Westenra and his father did. And as he grew, he became one of Samuel's favorite targets. Alfred was always seen as an outcast because of his shy, awkward, and nerdy behavior and he hardly ever spoke to anyone unless he absolutely had to. One evening while he was gathering firewood, he came across Loretta outside her cottage in the forest. He heard many stories about her, but this was the first time he had actually seen her in person. Their first meeting was kind of cold, but then they began to break the ice. After a while, they fell in love and even had a child out of wedlock together. But Loretta's magic and their secret romance were eventually sniffed out

-Samuel discovered Loretta performing magic in the woods one night and this enraged him; this was the perfect opportunity to expose her. He stormed into her house in the dead of night and accused her of being a witch... which she didn't deny. She claimed she wasn't afraid to show her true self, unlike everyone else in the village. In the middle of Samuel's tirade about how monstrous and wicked she was, Loretta's cat Midnight tried desperately to protect his mistress from him, only for him to be violently hit with the handle of Samuel's rifle. Unfortunately, the man hit Midnight a little too hard in the head and the poor creature collapsed to the floor, lifeless

-Loretta flew into a rage at the sight of her beloved familiar dead and she lunged at her pet's killer, but a few larger men burst in and restrained her. Samuel and his companions, along with a mob of angry townspeople, went back to town with the witch in tow. During her trial, she repeated that she wasn't afraid to be true to herself and while she was arguing with the burgomaster, she let out a sudden gust of magical wind, knocking everyone to the ground. After her trial, she was set to burn at the stake

-On the night of Loretta's execution, she told Alfred to take their baby son and flee New Holland before they catch him too. Alfred immediately refused. The last thing he want to leave his true love behind to die, but she told him there was no other way. Realizing that he had to no choice, he agreed. He took his young child and left on a ship that was headed back to Europe. He found his way to a town in Romania and he raised his son on his own, but he mourned the loss of Loretta every day

-But as she was being tied to the stake, Loretta placed a curse upon the town of New Holland, saying that the town would be cursed with perpetual thunderstorms and any lightning that hit a deceased pet would bring it back to life, unleashing its fury upon the town. Everyone just laughed at her, but before she was set fire, Samuel approached her and told her that she would be spared if she repented and gave up her ways. In response, she spit in his eye and placed a curse upon HIM too. She said he would walk the earth as a starving monster for eternity unless a being good of heart and noble of spirit rises up against him and defeats him once and for all. No one believed a word she said and with one final moment of silence, she was burned

-Back in New Holland after Loretta's death, things had started to go back to normal... or so everyone thought. The townspeople noticed that they've been getting thunderstorms more and more often, but they didn't pay it much mind. Samuel also began to notice a few changes within him, especially his appetite. Very much like in the Greek myth of Erysichthon and the Wrath of Demeter, Samuel's hunger grew and he started eating more and more, but no matter how much he ate, he was never satisfied. He had no idea what was happening to him

-One stormy night, Samuel felt so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore. In a fit of madness, he stormed into the stables where his beloved black horse, Oved, slept. In the morning, he found himself lying in the stable... next to the mangled corpse of his steed with his hands and mouth covered in blood. He had eaten his horse alive. Shocked, heartbroken, and terrified at what he'd done, Samuel hid himself in his home. But his hunger would not cease, so he decided to take matters into his own hands

-A few weeks had passed and the townspeople grew fearful. A string of odd disappearances (mainly of animals and children) began to occur. Many people went to the burgomaster, John Westenra, for help and he tried to put the townsfolk at ease, but he himself was concerned as well. Then he discovered that his dog, Titan, was missing too. That evening, he went out to find Samuel to see if he could help, but that was wishful thinking. He entered his son's home, only to see it dark and quiet. He called out for him, but with no answer. Then he heard a faint hiss followed by a skittering sound, like nails or claws on wood; it came from the basement. John went down to the cellar and what he found down there made his blood run cold as ice. He saw Samuel hunched over and devouring the corpse of his dog; he was also surrounded by the bodies of the various missing victims. He demanded to know what he had done and Samuel asked his father if he was afraid

-John said nothing, but watched his only child undergo a hideous transformation. Samuel's hands grew larger, another set of arms sprouted from his sides, his skin turned a pale gray, his teeth grew to a point, his eyes turned as black as night with a pair of glowing yellow pupils, and his lower half morphed into that of a spider. John was distraught; the Samuel he knew and loved was gone and in his place was a horrible monster. Samuel then approached John and said, "No need to fear. This is who I am now..."

-The townspeople soon discovered the monstrous man, believing it to have killed Samuel, and they all chased him down with pitchforks and torches, leaving John behind in a state of shock, horror, betrayal, and despair before dying in his sleep a few nights later. After that night, Samuel Westenra was never seen by human eyes again

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