[1.5] } {pony ver.

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"hey wisteria!" an dark blue haired guy shouts running up to wisteria. the dull strawberry blonde haired woman turns around to look at her co-worker.
"what is it carl?" she asks. carl passes her a keycard.
"boss wants your to work over time this week." he explains, wisteria sighs. she wanted to decline but she was looking for a new house and needed the gold. "i know you've been so tired working lately and that you need a new house but this can help you." carl says.
"i guess you're right.." wisteria whispers looking at the keycard.
"well see ya tomorrow." he says leaving the factory. wisteria goes to the break room and starts making coffee.
"stupid under paying hp banana job.." she mutters. she heard something whisper in her head but ignored it. she finished making her coffee and starts trotting around the factory. she digs through her bag and starts counting the gold she has.

"10, 25, 5, 50.. i just need 80 more gold.." she thinks. she enters the ingredient room. she puts down her coffee on a nearby counter and takes out some gloves. "time to work 7 more hours in this hell hole.." she mutters.


it's been 2 months and wisteria finally got enough coins for an apartment. she trots into the apartment lobby to see a woman that's in her mid 40's at the counter.
"hi?" wisteria says. the woman then looks up at her.
"oh hello!" she greets with a wide smile.
"i was wondering if i could get an apartment room" wisteria asks sliding the bag of gold over to the woman.
"oh dear..i'm so sorry, we have no more rooms but i can see if someone wants to share let me go check..!" she says. the woman gets up and goes into the complex. wisteria shivers and looks outside.
"out of all places in powdered peaks they don't have a furnace or a heater! just great..!" she mutters, she looks through her bag for a hoodie but was only able to find her work coat. "this can help i guess.." she thinks putting on the coat.
"well this is the woman looking for an apartment" wisteria hears and turns around to see her with an alicorn. "well miss this is the woman who is willing to share an apartment with you!" the lobby woman says. she hands her clipboard. "just sign some things and you're free to go!"


wisteria was currently napping in the couch near the small heater that the woman put for her. she felt someone sit on the couch and started to wake up. she looks up to see the woman drinking hot chocolate.
"oh! you're awake!" she chirps looking at wisteria. she sets her cup on the table and turns toward wisteria.
"i'm celestia! and you are?" she introduces herself and wisteria tenses.
"okay so i'm in the great sages house, which i am in a house of someone who is an alicorn a way more special species than an earth pony well that's nice!" wisteria thinks but regains herself. "i'm wisteria, nice to meet you celestia!" she says.
"i may have took a peek at the papers you signed after you gave them to misty and you're pretty old!" celestia says.
"i am?!" wisteria squeaks out. she didn't consider being 28 old.
"i'm joking! i'm in my twenties as well but it's just my early twenties!" celestia says laughing. wisteria looks away embarrassed. "did i say something wrong..?" celestia asks.
"no! no! it's just i'm not really use to having a friend other from the people at the hp banana factory, we're kind of forced to get along there.." she mutters the last sentence. celestia was gonna ask her what she said but didn't want to force anything out of her.
"well wisteria, consider me as your friend and roommate!" celestia chirps. wisteria gives her a small smile and her eyes practically had stars in them. "oh! hold on i made you something!" celestia runs into the kitchen and comes back out with a cup of hot chocolate. "here you go!" she floats her the hot chocolate and wisteria grabs it taking a sip of it.
"this is really good!" wisteria chirps. celestia smiles.
"it was my mothers, she wanted me to share it with my friends and that's what i am going to do!" celestia shouts in victory.


wisteria and celestia would always hangout with each other everyday. every time wisteria got off of work celestia would leave a plate of food for her on the table. celestia would buy games for them to play and wisteria would buy snacks for them. they were best friends and never left each others sides until..


wisteria was trotting into the basement of the hp banana factory grumbling things under her breath.
"stupid workers..i just wish i just had a better paying job and was more stronger instead of being a weak little earth pony..!" wisteria mentally shouts. she walks pass a box and hears a voice.
"so i heard you want to be stronger and have more money..?" the voice says. wisteria turns around and looks around to see nothing.
"uhm, well-"
"look ms, i'll help you but on one condition..~" it says, wisteria walks towards where the voice sounded very strong at; in a box. she looks at the box, it had a black, purple, yellow and blue design on it.
"what is it..?" wisteria questions. she was following what she wanted, what she desired. she could help her and celestia get out of the apartments and get their own house.
"i promise you great power and wealth if you let me out this box!" it chirps. wisteria hesitantly opens the box seeing a blue ghost.
"well thank you..~ now sit back and relax..~" it says getting closer to her. everything went into a blur for her.


wisteria then woke up in a dark place. she tried to get up but was chained so she can only get up at a certain height and can only move at a certain length.
"why can't i—"
"well, well, well~ looks like my little butterfly woke up!~" the voice says, wisteria looks around and starts tearing up.
"where am i?!" she shouts. the voice chuckles.
"don't worry, like i said earlier sit back and relax!~" it says. wisteria starts crying, she felt like she was caged like a dog and couldn't get out.


celestia opens the door to her apartment after a day of exploring. the apartment was dark and empty, wisteria wasn't even there to greet her.
"wisteria!" celestia shouts, no answer. "wisteria?" she shouts again but still no answer.
"maybe she had a longer shift today? she did tell me her boss gives her longer shifts.." she mutters taking off her cloak and hanging it up.


wisteria hasn't been has been back at the apartment for 3 years and celestia was now 23 and hasn't been the same ever since. every song wisteria liked she would listen to it on repeat. wisteria was celestia's best friend that she has never had before. she decided to go exploring one day to blow off some steam to see a unicorn being attacked by a monster. the monster looked just like the one she fought with luna but more different. the girl was trying to defend herself but was doing terrible at it.
"ugh, so stupid to think that you can- what the?!" there was a blast a magic that missed the monster by a couple of inches.
"you leave them alone!" celestia shouts, the monster turns to look at her and celestia freezes. "wisteria..?" she says.
"it's dark lord wisteria to you!" she shouts, the unicorn takes this time to attack but wisteria dodges. he growls then huffs, "this isn't over!" she shouts disappearing.
celestia looks at where she was standing then looks away and looks at the unicorn.
"i'm celestia, a great sage..!" she says trying to sound cheerful.
"well—..well i'm k.k! a warrior!" the unicorn shouts triumphantly.

it was a beginning of a new story.

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