Jomari, Jomari
He drank feet
Drank a ship
And drank a bookHe even drank the husband
Of Aling Marites
And drank a banana
That smells like a bananaJomari, Jomari
Mang Jomari keeps drinking and drinking
Whatever he is even drinking
He drinks everythingThus of Jomari's drinking habit
He drank the whole earth
Drink and drank
The drinking won't stopNever ending
He kept drinking and drinking
And all existance
Are now all non-existent in the world...
Si Jomari
PoetrySome stupid poem thing I wrote. I randomly came up with this idea when my friend started sending lyrics of "Pelimon" and I decided to say "Si Pelimon, Pelimon umimom ng paa"(Pelimon, Pelimon drank feet) and then I started sending even more stupid st...