Chapter 1.

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(a/n: Hello and welcome to the first chapter of "The Kid Stuck in The American Revolution", I hope you enjoy and a warning; gun use and cussing, if that makes you uncomfortable, please just don't read. if there are errors with my spelling, grammer or there something that might need a warning, please correct/tell me, I'm an idiot and I don't do a good job proofreading. Also, when Spanish or French is used throughout this fanfic, I'll be using google translate since I don't know etheir language. One last thing, I would love to know what you think of the story so far, so please give me feedback. With out a further adieu, enjoy. ❤️🥰)

Word count (without a/n): 2,228 words


Confusion. That was the main thing on my mind. I could have sworn that I was just ouside of my house just a few moments ago, how did I get here, sitting down in the middle of who knows where ? I first checked to see of I had any injuries, I was fine, then I just looked around. It was just a forest, no sign of people as far as my eyes could see. The grass I was sitting on looked kinda dry and dead, then I realized I was leaning against a tree. I looked to the sky and saw tall trees with their leaves starting to fall and a rather pleasant morning sky, mostly a blue grey but with just the tinyest bit of orange and pink with some clouds. It would have been nice to look and enjoy the scenery if I wasn't lost. I then looked to the right and noticed that there were two tote bags just a couple of meters away from me. I got up and looked through them and noticed that they were filled with my clothing and some of my other belongings.

"What the actual fuck is going on ?" I whispered, my hands lightly shaking.

"Guess I'll take them, might need them." I rationalized. I tied their straps in a way so it's contents probably wouldn't fall out and started to walk around, hoping to find someone who could help me.

I sighed, my shoulders slumped, hands a bit sore, and my neutral facial expression turned sour, I had been walking for 20ish minutes and I haven't found anyone. The natural chatter of the forest was somewhat relaxing but it didn't help ease my nerves. I saw a cute little bunny that ran away once it saw me but I still smiled of the sight of the cute animal, feeling a tiny bit better.

"Just have to keep walking"

I suddenly felt a lot worse, I felt like I was being watched and someone was after me. I started to walk a bit faster while also trying to be more aware of my unfamiliar surroundings, it didn't help.


I heard a twig loudly snap and I looked behind me and saw a group of men with guns, they we're pretty close to me. I just started running with my bags now on my shoulders, pure panic and adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Get him, he could be with the British !"

I just kept running for what felt like forever. I didn't want those guys to get me, who knows what they would do if they did. I felt like I was dying, I was out of breath, my legs started to cramp, and the side of my stomach was hurting. I looked behind me, they where kinda far but I knew I had to keep running.

My body couldn't handle all of this, the adrenaline was starting to fade away and my body ached more.

"I can't stop, I'm not safe." I thought, trying to keep my body going. While running, I tripped and fell on a random tree branch.

"Shit !" I yelled out in pain, getting up as fast as my body would allow and I kept running. I guess while I fell they got closer, I could hear them a bit .

"No, no, gotta keep going." I gasped out, trying my best to run faster but my body wouldn't allow it. Out of nowhere, I heard a gunshot, I turned to the left and ducked down, hoping the bullet wouldn't hit me. This gave me a moment to breathe but it didn't help. I got up again and kept running, at this point, I've only ran like a mile and half, but my unaflectic teenage body wasn't use to doing this on a normal basis.

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