chapter 14 (part 1)

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Cedric woke to pre-dawn light filtering in through the window. He didn't remember falling back asleep, but he must of nodded of.

Glancing around, he caught sight of the wall clock, but there wasn't enough light to see it.

All Cedric know that it was about five-thirty.

He laid down his head to go back to sleep when he saw someone else walking around the room.

The figure had long straight hair and was pacing down the floor.

"Christine?" Cedric whispered, careful so he wouldn't wake the others.

The girl turned around to face him "Morning Cedric"she said simply. He could tell, even in darkness, her face as noncholant as usual.

She was missing her guitar which was left in Cedric's car which mostly had been towed away.

"what are you doing up this early?"he asked after his huge yawn.

"i'm always up this early"she answered, sitting down on her bed, and bringing her fingers through her long her "thank you, by the way"

Cedric rubbed his face, still trying to shake off his grogginess "for what?"he asked letting out another yawn.

"getting me to the hospital. You were the one who told Thomas to take out the phone out of my pocket, right?"

"oh yeah"Cedric said lamely, grinning "no problem"

Christine walked over to Cedric's bed and sat next to him. The sun is peeking and Cedric can make out Christine's face.

"so are you going against him or for him?"Christine asked.


"Gabriel. His trial"

"Oh i think i'm going to defend him. I had no idea what he had been through. I think he deserves a second chance. He didn't actually do any real harm, did he? We still survived"

Christine nodded "i agree. Being bullied is terrible, especially the severity he had been through"

"you've been bullied?"Cedric asked.

"More than you know"

They both fell into silence. Christine didn't elaborate, and Cedric didn't push further, he didn't wan't to re-open old wounds.

Christine then turned and sat still, obviously done talking. Cedric wasn't surprised. That was the longest conversation he had ever had with her. She didn't like to talk much.

Eventually the others begun to wake up, first Mark then Robbi who sat next to Cedric and smiled at him.

Memories of the night before came to him ad he could't help blushing a pink shade.

Thomas was still sprawled out on his bed, snoring slightly. Christine walked up to him and woke him up and he eventually got out of his bed.

The group sat chatting for awhile. They all agreed to defend Gabriel, or at least take his side.

Robbi would probably the most important of the case, since her being the victim.

"You might have to talk a bit" Mark told her, She nodded, saying nothing.

Eventually around ten o' clock, an officer came in. By this time everyone was ready to go.

They were still on their same clothes, but nothing can be do about it.

The officer escorted them to two separated police cars. Thomas, Christine and Mark went into one of the car and the other with Cedric and Robbi.

On the way to the courthouse, the officer explained how they could take either side, but it was recommended that they go against Gabriel.

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