- The Twins

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The brothers finished their drinks and nodding their thanks to Sam made their way out , the look on Sean' face said it all as he glared at his brother. This was going to be a nightmare, the Maguire brothers were naughty yes, but they were not in the same league as the twins. They'd be lucky if they made it home tonight if things went wrong, everyone knew the stories of the twins and what they were capable of. He shook his head, it seemed they were going to have to make a few stops along the way.

'Be thankful you're my brother Danny, the mess you've got us all in now. If you were anyone else, you'd have gone in that river along with Fisher...'

Danny knew his brother was telling the truth, Sean Maguire was a quiet man but his temper was there and he'd shown it to those who had the mistake of crossing him on more that one occasion.

Lifting his head as they turned into their street, Sean saw his mother and Aunt Patience standing outside the small terraced house watching the brother' approach. Word had spread from the pub already by the look on his mother' face, not that she would say anything – she never had and never would.

As they approached Temperance' front door it was flung open and the woman herself stepped out, settling herself between the three men, her arm wrapped tightly around Mickey' waist.

'Hello boys, look at the three of you. Oh Mickey, you're a fine figure of a man, I remember bouncing you on my knee! Danny, you're going to break all the girls hearts around here dressed like that, and then there's Sean six foot two and those eyes of blue. How you're not all surrounded by women is beyond me. The best dressed and looking men in London you three are...'

For a flicker of a second the brothers smiled, Annie as they affectionately called her had this knack of knowing what to say and when to say it. Even if half the time they could feel the flush of colour start to creep over their cheeks, the woman could make them feel like kings and little boys at the same time.

The four of them made it into the small house, each man bending down to kiss their mother' cheek. As they all settled into the kitchen, their mother turned to Sean, his face showing no emotion.

'Ma, we've got a bit of business over the water.'

Nothing more needed to be said, Sean had been told where to go to meet the twins and he knew time was not on their side, the old brewery would no doubt be plunged into darkness. The twins were known for their theatrical displays of power and as much as Sean really wished not to be having to go, part of him was intrigued about what he would be facing.

His mother knew who the boys had their business with, Patty had been quick to come knocking on the door to tell her and she really didn't want her boys having to mix with the Kray twins... but she knew if the twins called, you had to answer. Kneeling at her feet, Sean kissed her hands trying to reassure his mother that everything would be fine... he prayed that he'd be forgiven when he went to confession that Sunday. Sean hated lying to his mother – but tonight he had no choice.

Her hands were in his hair, something she had done every night when he was little, it seemed it was another lifetime.

'Ma, you need to go sleep, it's late. This business may take a while and I don't want to be worrying about you awake here.'

The look on her face said it all, she'd gone from one of fear and concern to a calm confidence. Sean however knew his mother too well, she was scared for her boys.

'I'll be here waiting for you Sean, you think I'd sleep knowing you're with those boys?

They're hoodlums son, I know the three of you are no angels love but you're not in their league. You're my sons...my three fine boys...the one good thing in my life. I've been worrying about you, trying to keep you safe from the moment you were born, I'm not going to stop now.'

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