- The Job and A Realization

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'Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue.' - David Hume

The cool air didn't make Sean Maguire shiver as he stood waiting for the watch hit a minute before the requested time of his arrival. He had sixty seconds to compose himself and look like the monster so many thought him to be, to show anything less than cool composure in front of the twins would be seen as weakness. Sean was not weak, gentle yes at times, but not weak.

If he could see his reflection at this precise moment he would see his eyes that were so piercing blue turn into a steely grey, his face would somehow lose some of the soft gentle look it carried naturally and become similar to that of a wax figure. If he spoke out loud, his voice would be a shade deeper and his accent slightly more pronounced that earlier in the evening - it was as if Sean had become another person as his shoulders went back and high, he carried himself with even more of a presence that made him achieve even more height that his 6'1 standing.

Sean Maguire had become the monster. The man who had according to many rumours killed anyone who had looked at him or the brothers he cared deeply for, the wrong way. The rumours were greatly exaggerated of course, Sean had never killed anyone... maybe beaten a man or three to the point were they may have wished they were dead but not actually committed murder, and Sean really hoped he never would find himself in the situation where he did.

The sixty seconds were up and Sean made his way into the club called the 'Double R' the place was empty except for a group of men in similar outfits to my own, and the twins. Ronnie and Reggie had made the place their own and it oozed expense and quality without being gaudy.

"Sean, right on time. Now you know what you have to do, we don't want any problems you get in and get out, tomorrow morning we'll be meeting at Valance Road to discuss anything else."

Reggie was staring at Sean, waiting to see a reaction but received none. Sean reassured himself silently that Valance Road was just a house, a house he had eaten bread and jam at when he was four. Not many people knew that a tiny Sean had almost been adopted in the Kray family home and the twins into the Maguire'. They even went on holiday together, Sean' eyes had been wide as saucers when Violet Kray had come knocking to see if the little boy would like to join them in Kent for hop picking, Sean recalled the time with cheer - he'd been about six at that point and idolised the twins. Even back then, the twins had a presence about them that made people move out of their way but they were also so quiet. The one thing they never did though was turn their back on Sean - he was as welcome to the home as a member of the family.

Until his Dad ruined everything.

"Sean? Your mind elsewhere? I suggest you get thinking straight - this is important. No mess ups."

Ronnie of course. A man who had his mind locked firmly on a job when it was going down.

The men who were involved in the job made their way into the waiting van carrying the symbol of a courier company known to work with Heathrow Airport. This was new to Sean, he'd been involved in some dodgy dealing and had served some time in jail but this, this was serious business. He couldn't help but notice the weaponry the men were carrying. Sean maintained the calm exterior but his heart was pounding, sending a silent prayer that no innocent person was hurt as a result of their actions tonight.

He made his way into the dark van, feeling calmer than he had for a while. For he was to be alone for a while. Driving away from the club, and making his way out to Heathrow Sean thought of what lay ahead.

The men in the other van were going to be at the airport as freight handlers and it helped that they had two men on the inside. The twins it seemed, had men everywhere when needed, Sean believed the rumours that they had police from many areas of London in their pocket were true. Yet, he was also very aware that there were many people who would happily end the reign of terror the twins could, would and were creating over the city. Even the Maltese were quiet, and that was unheard of.

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