- The Visit

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"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." - Eleanor Roosevelt

At half past three, the whole of the Maguire house had been scrubbed from top to bottom and all three boys had put on their best suits though Sean struggled and if he was honest with himself he should have been lying in his quiet bedroom with one of his beloved books.

Chastity was sitting in her best dress happy knowing that there were fresh cakes ready thanks to a run to the bakers by Mickey - she had been upset that she hadn't had time to make her famous Victoria sponge but she had been busy cleaning the already spotless house and looking after Sean. Chastity had a lot on her mind this sunny afternoon, the impending arrival of the Kray family should have been the first thought in her mind but it wasn't that which was concerning her. It was Sean. She had seen his reaction to Louisa Kelly as he had shown her into the house, his eyes had softened at the sight of her in that simple blue dress - Chastity had seen Louisa buy the fabric for it and had had to admit that girl had a talent as a seamstress. Maybe if she could break free from her parents she could have had a career doing it, though of course, if Sean had his heart set on the petite girl she would not be working. No wife of Sean Maguire would have need to.

Chastity and her sisters had made themselves scarce when it became clear that Louisa was staying for a while, she had heard Sean chuckle quietly as they had taken their time cleaning the bedrooms that of course, the Krays would not be going in. It would be the front room that she would entertain the three guests to the house, she hadn't seen them in such a long time but as much as she was nervous of whether they had changed as much as people said she wanted to see the boys she had regarded as sons again properly.

Thinking back to her eldest son and that girl who had so obviously captured his heart, she was at least thankful that she was intelligent and a good Catholic girl. Louisa had the look Chastity had had the first time she had laid eyes on Sean' father but at least Sean was as far from being like his good for nothing absentee father that was possible. Chastity Maguire knew that even from the first look that morning, she was going to be having a daughter in law in the not too distant future.

* * *

Louisa Kelly was in his house, the beauty Sean had seen so many times and had secretly wanted to be his own was really here. She said she had come to see how he was, not many people would do such a thing. Mind you, how many girls would have carried a bleeding man into their home in the late hour of the night. The girl sitting before his, with the sweetest smile on her face was incredible.

"Miss Kelly, Louisa, you don't mind if I call you Louisa do you? I wanted to thank you for what you did for me last night. I really have no idea what I would have done if you hadn't found me - probably died where I lay if I am honest, if there is anything I can do for you or your family just name it. I will forever be in your debt."

The gentle blush the crossed her cheeks was truly beautiful, the girl had stolen his heart and his knew that Sean would make her his own, if she wanted him to be hers. He had to do it all properly though, to ask her if she would consider stepping out with him, and then of course as her father' permission to do so. He wanted to prove to the Kelly family that he could be trusted with their precious girl, that the many many rumours about him were unfounded - well most of them at any rate.

"Sean, I think we've never been so formal in all the many times we have spoken in the book shop so I hardly think we should start now here in your back room do you?"

Her hand was so close to his own, their fingers were millimetres from one another and it would take the smallest of movement for her hand to be under his own.

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