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Alice is emo and bisexual. She has been bullied her whole life. Read this story please. Tell me what you think of it.

Its been raining all day. I wonder when it will stop. Ugh why can't school end already? Really it only 8:10? Its going to be a long day.

"Alice would you pay attention. You need to start paying more attention in class." Mrs. Clare said in a angry tone.

When I heard her voice I snapped back into the real world again.

"Alice would you listen now! Mrs. Clare yelled

"Oh my god I am paying attention! Gosh your such a bitch." I said that out loud.

The whole class was looking at me and Mrs. Clare was surprised I said that. See I'm the quiet one in class. I don't talk. Well I really don't talk to anyone.

I barely talk so thats why they're so surprised I said that out loud.

"Young lady, you head to the principle's office. Right now!"

I stood up and walk towards the door. As I was walking I could hear everyone whispering. They were saying stuff like I'm fat, useless, that I should die, and etc.

I have been bullied my whole life so I should be used to hearing all of this stuff.

I arrived at the door. I turned around and I put my middle finger in the air. Then I walked out of the classroom.

I was walking to the principle's office and noticed I forgot me stuff. Oh well its not important.

I was finally at the principle's office. I walked into his office and sat down in one of the seats in his office.

"Hello Mr. Hill. How are you?" I said in a clam voice.

"Miss Alice, why did you cuss at Mrs. Clare?"

He was staring at me in a weird way. I didn't like the way he was staring at me. I so badly just wanted to slap him but I didn't.

"She kept saying Alice pay attention and I was. I didn't mean to say it out loud. I meant to say it in my mind but oh well it came out." Wow I said that so calm.

"Well you know that was very wrong of you to do? So that means I have to give you detention."

Yea I know, now may I go now?

Yes you may but stay out of trouble. I don't want to see you in my office again.

I walked out of his office. Finally I was out of his office he was so annoying.

The bell rang and everyone was walking out of classrooms. I head towards my locker to get my stuff ready for next class.

All of sudden I feel someone hit my shoulder. I think I now who hit my shoulder.

"Hey loser I heard what you did today. Ha your such a loser."

Of course it was Stacy and her minions. They have been bullying me since first grade.

"What do you want Stacy?" I looked at her.

"Nothing right now you worthless piece of shit. Girls grab her and take her to the bathroom. Now!" Stacy command.

The two girls grabbed my armsnand started to take me to the bathroom. I tired to get out of they're grip but I couldn't.

We were in the bathroom and they threw me to the ground. Stacy was hovering over me which hated.

"Your such a worthless piece of shit. You should just kill yourself. Just end your life already no one will miss you." Stacy said while laughing at the same time.

Then they started kicking me in the stomach and punching. I stood up and tried to run. But Stacy grabbed
me and pulled me backwards.

When she did that she let go and my head hit the bathroom sink. I could hear them laughing.

"Come on girls lets go." They turned around and left the bathroom while laughing.

I tried to stand up but it hurt to much to stand. Finally I was able to stand. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had blood dripping down my face.

I cleaned my face up and lifted my shirt up. I have bruises all over me. Some of them were old and some of them were fresh. They were all over my body.

I put my shirt down, made sure that I had all the blood cleaned up and left the bathroom. I was hope I can last the whole day with out hurting.

I went to all of my classes today. I was so glad that I didn't have to go to the nurse because of my pain. Finally school was over. So I got my stuff and ran home.

Of course while I was walking home Stacy and her minions were behind me. I know they are going to try and do something. So ran as fast as I could. Suddenly they got me. I know what is going to happen next. One of them turned me around, raised a fist and...

Hey guys its FierceTigressxo tell me what you think so for im new to this so yeah. Thank you guys I love you all. I really hope you guys love it so far and this story is based on a true story. Don't copyright this please.

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