Chapter 1, Awakened Darkness

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Author: "HEEEEEERE WE AAAAARE!!!!! WELCOME TO THE SEQUEL OF THE FIRST BOOK, THE GUARDIAN OF EQUESTRIA PART 2, THE DOOM SLAYER!!!! I am sorry for the delay, life really is a bitch. Just FYI, this is a bit of a short story. Well, anyways, hope you enjoy!!!"

Tempest Shadow was elated. Not that she'd ever display such an emotion in the presence of her troops, and her perpetual disinterested scowl was as unshifting as ever. Yet, beneath her cold, disaffected exterior, she could not possibly have felt better. She was, after all, moments away from realizing a dream decades in the making. From the moment when she had first been inducted into the service of the Storm King, and fought her way through the ranks to become his second in command, this was a moment she had endlessly anticipated. There was of course, some small twinge of lingering guilt, that she was about to aid in the systematic conquest and enslavement of her former homeland, but she swiftly dismissed it. After all, Equestria had turned its back on her first, she was just returning the favor.

"Do you think they'll have anything to eat? Conquest really works up an appetite." Asked Grubber, and Tempest had to suppress an urge to let out a groan of annoyance. Truth be told, she had no idea why the Storm King had sent the little pest along. Tempest did recall something vague about the pint-sized storm beast acting as her new herald, honestly, she hadn't really paid attention, only concerning herself with her actual orders and battle strategy.

"I'm certain there will be a kitchen somewhere to plunder." She replied, carefully keeping her gaze straight ahead. "My former countryponies always did love their sweets." Grubber rubbed his claws together enthusiastically, loudly smacking his lips.

"Yum! I hope they have cake!" He declared, and Tempest struggled not to roll her eyes.

"Just make sure you announce me properly, I don't want a repeat of what happened with the hippogriffs." She drawled, making sure to keep her tone level.

"You got it boss!" He declared, giving an enthusiastic claws up, as he once more turned his attention to the large metal door in front of them. Tempest suppressed a grin, as a savage, growling voice, spoke through a nearby communication tube.

"Docking in five. . . four. . . three. . . two. . . one." A faint impact tremor reverberated through the ship, as it came alongside Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. The door falling forward, extending into a telescoping gangplank of dark steel. Hefting the voice magnifier, Grubber moved toward the opening, the light of the sun blinding after so long in the airship's hold. As he descended, Tempest took in the sight of the city spread out before her. Looking like a set of several bunched together concentric rings, attached firmly to the side of a massive mountain. Opulent, brightly colored houses, and immaculately maintained private gardens, as well as spacious public parks, filled the rings. Each connected to one another by white cobblestone streets, or marble flagstone paths. Pennants snapped in the wind atop the conical towers and onion dome capped minarets, of the massive hunk of enchanted marble that was the royal palace. The beating heart of Equestria.

Tempest scoffed at it all, these ponies lived in literal ivory towers, while she had to scrape and struggle every second for survival out in the wastes! Any lingering sympathy Tempest might have had, died instantly at the thought, this city deserved its fate. . . . Hidden from view by the angle of the ship, and smoke leaking from the engines into the troop bay, Tempest glared at her former fellow Equestrians with cruel satisfaction. She could see the worry and fear in their eyes, perfect tinder for the flames of panic and hysteria. Currently, she could only see one princess, the youngest and weakest of the four current rulers, but she felt confident the others would come soon enough, as Grubber gave their introduction.

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