Chapter 4, Revelation and Ruin

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The creature stared down at the walled and fortified city with a burning hatred. Its thoughts disjointed and incoherent, from a mix of rage and madness, but still lucid enough for some degree of satisfaction. Its thoughts briefly aligning into something akin to sanity. Finally, the creature was here, the home of the bastards who killed Derpy! The fuckers that had the balls to come into its home, attack its family, and then run away like little whipped bitches thinking they could hide! The monster's fingers twitched, as the red mist through which it saw the world thickened. It wouldn't rest till these worthless stains of liquid dragon shit and all their friends paid! It was gonna gut their kids in front of em', stomp the corpses into paste, and ram what was left down their Light damned throats! It was gonna rip off their limbs and stack their bodies in a nice big pile at the center of the city, while they were still alive and screaming! Then he'd coat em' all in oil and watch em' fry!

The beast snarled aloud, its fists tightening. It was gonna make sure to give Derpy a grand sendoff, writing her name in fire and gore across the Storm King's entire empire, so nocreature would ever forget her! At the same time, it would make certain Dinky could sleep at night, knowing every one of her mamma's killers had paid for taking her away! The creature would insure that every chickenshit piece of heretic garbage, who thought they were safe as long as they sucked the Storm King's cock, died on their knees, begging for their worthless lives! Then, when it found the Storm King, the creature was gonna take its time. Maybe it would impale the fucker on an iron spike atop his palace, let him squeal as he bled out?! Or castrate him with a blunt knife heated to two thousand degrees?! Maybe the beast would find some lead to melt down, and fix its buddy the king a nice hot drink?! Before that though, it was gonna make the bastard watch, as everything he claimed as his, was turned to ash in front of him! Then it would move on to the traitor, Tempest! Maybe it would hack off her legs one at a time and give her an object lesson of how its species weren't exactly vegetarian. . . it had been awhile since the entity had had a nice steak dinner. . . .

"Made it! Thank the wastes!"

The creature was pulled from its vengeful, fury addled thoughts, by the relieved declaration of one of the ship's crew. For an instant, a nearly overwhelming desire to spill the loudmouth's blood, assailed the beast, but it held itself back. Satisfying as it would be to butcher the crew of anthropomorphic parrots, it had made them a promise. Even reduced to little more than a ravening force of violence, the creature still clung to some semblance of honor. Nevertheless, it was sorely tempted, as the captain, Ceelmo or something, the creature hadn't really paid attention, and didn't really care, approached with fear in her eyes. The beast let out a low growl. Small wonder the Storm King was able to do what he liked without consequence, with spineless shits like this everywhere. If the common people of this forsaken empire had stood up to the Storm King from the beginning, then Derpy might still be alive! It made the beast's blood boil, and he became momentarily distracted by half-formed fantasies of the horrors he would inflict on the rest of the Storm King's realm.

"W-we did as you asked, the Storm King should be in his palace at the foot of the mountain." The voice of the captain, focused most of the creature's mind back on the present, but it still resented the interruption.

"You. . . live." The creature growled, its voice no less monstrous for its lower than normal volume. The captain let out an explosive sigh of relief.

"Right, we'll land the ship just out of-"

"No. . . ." The creature growled. The captain balked, staring at the beast in shock.

"What?" She asked, more by reflex than anything.

"NO. . . LANDING!" The monster roared, furious at having to repeat itself, as it began moving away. The captain stared, as the creature walked out to the end of the bowsprit. "Keep going. . . then. . . run!"

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