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"Meet my friends." He said, pulling his body off the bed. "Ezra and Desmond."

Those men stood there grinning ear to ear like cats high on steroids. The imprint of their manhood pointed excitedly at me.

Words still didn't leave my lips. These men were well into their sixties or even above that, yet their pleasure lay in the thighs of a fifteen-year-old.
His friends had towels around their waists just like him with grins as evil as the devil.

"Do you think you've rested enough?" He was pouring a drink into a small glass and swallowing it whole. The way he changed the topic as though he didn't just point a gun at me or had my back thrashed with a whip.

He quickly gulped two glasses of whatever was in the bottle, but from the look on his face, I didn't think he enjoyed the contents of that bottle.
But again, he took another shot and gargled it down his throat. After clearing his throat, he poured another and more into separate tiny cups.

Ezra was first to grab it from him, emptying the contents into his mouth at once. Desmond declined to take a sip. He was busy marinating me with his eyes as though I was freshly roasted barbecue meat. Even though others moved around the room, he kept watch like a chained dog.

Passing a cup to me, The General, took a spot on the bed, flashing the tiny cup in my face. "Drink this. It will help."

A shake of my head indicated that I wasn't interested in whatever he and his friends were drinking. He didn't relent but continued to pressure me to drink it. My heart pounded in my chest when he leaned into me.

I had no choice but to gulp the contents of the first glass. Another came and I declined. Generally quickly got angry and sent double slaps across my already bruised face.

"Now drink!" He growled, handing the cup to me, his eyes watched me intensely.

I let the liquid into my mouth but refused to swallow. Instead, I spit it out, splashing its contents on the General's face. What descended on me were multiple punches and whips. I couldn't even get to speak or plead with them.

Weakened from that vicious beating, the General and his friends forced my mouth open and emptied more cups of alcohol down my throat.
Desmond, held me between his thighs while Ezra forcefully kept my mouth open so that the general could pour the drinks into my mouth. By the time they were done, I was weakened by alcohol.

Right there on the floor, they took turns to violate me repeatedly. All the puke and blood ran freely on the tiled floor. I lay down wanting and praying for death.

Shana, the nurse was the first to find me. She cleaned me up, pumped me up with more drugs, and sent me to sleep. I woke up, expecting to find the General and his goons on me again. Instead, it was Shana sitting at the foot of the bed, watching TV.

"Why are you still here?" I asked when consciousness returned to me.

Swiftly, she was by my side, placing her palm on my head. "You were running a fever, so I had to stay back to take care of you. I shut my eyes briefly to get my bearings. Everything seemed too foggy and dizzying.

"And the men?" I asked, rubbing my temple.

"Off to Abuja, they would be back in the fourth eight hours."

"Hmmm!" I heaved, pulling myself up. Her face doubled in my vision, I was still very drowsy. "What day is it?"

"Tuesday."She answered.

A smile danced on my lips. I was going home soon. I thought. I was somewhat happy that I was going home.

But home to what and to whom? I'd never thought the camp could be this desirable to me. It was far better than the hell I was going through right now. If I could survive another couple of days, then, I would be home with Ifechi and the rest of the girls.

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